If you aren’t upset about politics, you should be. This is what you can do.

Seth Luminous
Work to Unite
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2015

If you aren’t pissed off about the current state of politics in America, you should be. Unless you are the one making the money from the backdoor deals, mass brainwashing through the media and unconstitutional laws that benefit few people at the expense of the rest of us. If that’s you, we are coming for you.

The state is run by leeches

The current state of this country is, I believe, much worse than anyone realizes. Human lives are merely a product in this day and age. If the cure for cancer were found right now, it would be saturated and sold in monthly packages to keep you barely alive. While we are products, crops for them to reap, debt slaves etc, they leech upon us. But leeches require blood to survive. We are the lifeblood of this country and we can take it back. Get angry, and help take back the country from the leeches. But remember…We cannot take America back through violence but through voice. We need to be loud, educated and fierce against our opponents who hold so much influence over everything within the media and government.

Influence is a product and used against the people

The government is so corrupt they will approve deadly products to be sold for the right amount of money. Lobbies should be illegal. They are unconstitutional, dangerous and based around money and corruption. It’s clear as day what they are, and everyone accepts it.The problem is people are apathetic. Ever wonder why the news is so negative? I have a gut feeling they are trying to numb us, but regardless of that conspiracy theory we are numb. We don’t care enough as a country. Hell, many of us don’t even vote. America, wake up. Get angry, raise your voice on social media, call your representatives, tell your friends and family how you feel. Get them interested if possible, we cannot fight alone.

America, wake up. Be a candle, illuminate those around you. CREATE luminosity instead of reflecting like a mirror. Inspire others to light their own way. Don’t simply repeat what others say, learn for yourself and teach it.

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