Why America Needs to Elect Bernie Sanders

Seth Luminous
Work to Unite
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2015

Amidst the ruthless campaigning and heated debates amongst Republican and Democratic hopefuls, once again America sees the unexpected popularity of some candidates eclipsing their rivals. In this election, there has been one name causing a political storm, Bernie Sanders.

The self-described ‘Democratic Socialist’ has certainly raised the bar and proven his ground against his Democratic competition with his fresh, passionate and constitutional values. Sanders is notorious amongst the electorate as one of the most progressive candidates in Washington, echoing the frustrations between the split amongst rich and poor, and a desire to put human rights at the forefront of foreign policy.

Bernie Sanders believes that what makes a country dominant is not how many wars it can engage in but instead how successful it is able to resolve conflicts in a harmonious resolution. Historically, he has always approached the war on Iraq with animosity and has advocated policies that avoid unilateral military action and preemptive war. His approach to terrorism is that it cannot be dealt with alone and requires a strong diplomatic presence to neighboring countries to root out funding networks and provide logistical support to the Middle East. He wants to stop the endless bloodshed and violence between Israel and Palestine by removing the Gaza blockade and recognizes that both nations have the right to live in a homeland with peace and security. To aid in these efforts, Sanders wants to re-evaluate the current defense budget and ensure that it serves the needs of the U.S. military, not the profits of defense contractors or members of congress. Finally, he believes that Guantanamo Bay should be shut down immediately due to the ongoing damage inflicted on the United States’ moral standing on the world. He recognizes that the United States has a responsibility to help and aid nations, not to sanction and cause further turbulence internationally.

His policies resonate with socially conscious millennials who are concerned about the ongoing struggles of education and debt. We currently live in a society where credit card debt is dwarfed by college debt where students and graduates have to work multiple jobs to ensure their financial stability. Sanders believes that education is a right, people who have the ability and desire to achieve academic success should be given the opportunity because that is exactly what makes America a competitive, global economic nation. He recently introduced the College for All Act to congress which allows students to attend 4-year courses at public universities tuition free. This would cost the government only $47 billion a year in comparison to 2015’s extravagant military budget of $560.4 billion.

Bernie Sander’s is the only candidate in the election that cannot be ‘bought out’ by the one percenters, defense contractors, bankers and oil drillers and outshines his rivals that would oppose spending the nation’s budget on the influences that have caused so much political corruption and distrust to the public in the past. Democratic socialism isn’t the same as communism and there’s no reason to be afraid of a government that provides the rights we all deserve.

Bernie Sanders stands for America, and perhaps is the only candidate who is in it for the good of America and not for profit or ego. Which his 25+ years of service to America he has proven his stance, and that he is genuine. This is why America needs to elect Bernie Sanders. We need to unite against the corruption of this country and it’s politicians and Bernie Sanders is the man to inspire the masses.

