How To Build A Network That Actually Helps You

It takes time, guts and a little luck

Work, work, work it!


Image via Pexels

It’s the scariest and yet one of the most important things to do when you work for yourself: networking. With a network, you will be able to find new clients, get the help you need when you’re stuck and it’s amazing when you can give something back to that network.

Building that network is not always easy. It takes time, guts and a little luck. It’s a skill you develop over time. It’s something you can learn. I started building my network when I was about seventeen and I was afraid of nothing. Now that I’m older, it’s not always as easy. So both for you and myself, some tips and tricks to build your network. A network that can help you.

Be bold

I’m very pleased to say that I learned a new expression: fortune favors the bold. (I initially wanted to use the literal translation of the Dutch version: bold people own half the world.)

Anyhow, it’s true. When it comes to networking, you should be bold. Not in a way where you ask people straight up to hire you — although this could work in some cases. It can be smaller. Just talk to people. Connect with them. Whether it’s online or offline. Don’t be afraid to talk to someone you don’t know. Just find a nice subject you can talk about, figure out some…



Work, work, work it!

Always looking for a great story. Journalist and writer living in The Netherlands. On freelance work, creativity, and writing. Not writing a book.