You Should Turn Of All Your Notifications

It makes you a better person. I promise

Work, work, work it!


Image by Brett Jordan via Pexels

The past three years were my years of good decisions. Well, mostly good decisions. I definitely made some bad ones. But in general I made good ones. And they were big.

About a week ago, I was driving home from the gym. My trips alone usually consist of singing out loud with songs on the radio or contemplating life, my life mainly. As a selfish millennial, I should live up to that image. I mean, just count how many times I use ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’, or ‘mine’ in my writing. Right?

Thirty and happy

So, I was contemplating my life, thinking about how I am feeling good at this time in my life. I turned 30 last year and even though I never really envisioned where I would be at this age, I think I’m right where I should be. I’ve grown older and wiser and made some good decisions.

The first one was in 2019, when I decided to finally get my drivers license. It’s quite expensive here in The Netherlands. And since you only really learn how to drive when you do it often, I never bothered to pay that much money for something I wasn’t going to do. I had been living in Amsterdam and if you’ve ever been there, you know you should just ride your bike instead of getting the car.



Work, work, work it!

Always looking for a great story. Journalist and writer living in The Netherlands. On freelance work, creativity, and writing. Not writing a book.