My Second Home Lisboa: Catherine Fisher

Founder, Glug

Second Home
Work + Life
3 min readFeb 9, 2017


Catherine Fisher

If you like wine, you’ll love Glug. Founded by Catherine Fisher, the startup’s mission is to expose the world’s grape connoisseurs to Europe’s best wineries. Based in Second Home Lisboa, we met Fisher to talk about its story so far and how her environment influences her business practice.

What is the best bit about working at Glug?

I get to work with wineries all over, not just Portugal, but in Europe and help them access the US market which is something I understand. Connecting with people is the best part.

What recent project are you the most proud of and why?

I’ve done a fair amount of work with Portuguese Wineries, which is very much based on the individual wineries. What I’m particularly proud of is creating good and trust-based connections, which allow me to work according to individual producer’s needs. Each producer is very different. Some have zero exposure to the US market, some know a little bit but need a little bit of help in a specific area.

What do you want your company to achieve within the next year?

I’d like to continue to deepen connections with producers, not just Portugal, but also in other European countries.

What advice would you give somebody thinking about starting their own company?

It comes with ups and downs. Even in a given day you’ll be excited, and maybe at the same time overwhelmed, encouraged and at the same time discouraged. So, I’d say there are a lot of fluctuations in terms of how you’re feeling because the burden is all on you, as the person who’s started the company. If there’s kind of a real drive and motivation to make it succeed is that it is very rewarding .

How has being at Second Home Lisboa helped your work?

It’s given a great space. I mean I think what I’m most thankful for is a unique environment that Second Home has created here, where I’m able to get a lot of work done, but I’m stimulated when I want to be. So, it strikes a good balance between providing a work environment but also allowing for me to engage when I have the time to do that with other members, or even engaging with the space.

What is your favourite design feature about Second Home Lisbon?

I like the natural light.

Outside of work, what place in Lisbon stimulates your imagination the most and why?

In Lisbon, I like walking by the water. Because I like walking… And I like the water. (laughter) But I find it really important to have time to clear your head, and I think being by the water helps that and feels like a creative process.

We ask everyone to select a book that will inspire others and become part of Libreria’s permanent collection. Which book would you choose and why?

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I read it in college, and really made a mark on me.

Second Home is a creative workspace and cultural venue based in London and Lisboa. We bring together diverse industries, disciplines and social businesses. Find out more about joining us here:



Second Home
Work + Life

Unique workspace and cultural venue, bringing together diverse industries, disciplines and social businesses. London/Lisbon/LA