Tech City’s go-getting example can help post-Brexit Britain

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3 min readOct 17, 2016

I feel old. Exactly six years ago this month, I was on a trade mission to Silicon Valley, trying to convince US tech giants to invest in east London. I’d organised the trip ahead of the launch of the Tech City initiative, which I’d hoped would turbocharge the growth of the small digital cluster around Old Street. The stakes were high: we needed to secure global investment or the project would be dead on arrival.

The entrepreneurial minister Jeremy Hunt and the former head of the Olympic Park legacy corporation, Andy Altman, also made the journey, and our days were packed with visits to sceptical tech bigwigs who had zero interest in the UK, and no idea there were so many brilliant companies being started in the capital.

It was a tough slog, and things were looking grim when we arrived at Google’s sprawling HQ. It was our last meeting before heading home, and we were seeing Eric Schmidt, the company’s powerful CEO, so we had to make it count.

As soon as we walked in, we began selling Tech City hard, fighting to persuade Eric that Google should invest there. He didn’t know anything about the area, so instinctively rejected the idea, saying: “We don’t put our people in a business park in the middle of nowhere.” Eric was clearly sick of government delegations pitching projects in remote parts of far-flung countries.

Fortunately that wasn’t the case with us. We described east London’s art galleries, bars and music venues, and Eric started to be won over. He looked at Andy Altman and said: “You’re in charge of the Olympic Park. How much would it cost us to buy the entire thing?” The poor Google staffers looked nervous — was their boss being serious? Luckily for them, Andy had no way to answer the question, so the conversation moved on, and we’ll never know for sure.

“Eric Schmidt started to be won over. He looked at Andy Altman and said: “You’re in charge of the Olympic Park. How much would it cost us to buy the entire thing?””

In the end, we shook hands on a commitment that Google would create an “innovation centre” in Tech City, which David Cameron announced just a few weeks later. This is how the Google Campus in Bonhill Street came into being: a five-storey building that hosts start-up events every day and provides cheap workspace, mentoring and funding for small businesses.

This investment was hugely important for Tech City and the London economy. For a start, it created a generous community space for techies to come together, sparking valuable new collaborations and businesses, and catalysing the development of our city’s digital ecosystem. Policy-makers often overlook the importance of physical hubs where innovation happens, and it’s vital that the Government’s new industrial strategy doesn’t make that mistake.

What’s more, other global companies soon followed suit, and Amazon, Microsoft, Intel, Cisco and many others committed to investing millions in east London, helping make Tech City the fastest-growing digital cluster in the world.

These memories came flooding back to me this weekend when Theresa May announced new trade missions to boost international links after the Brexit vote. As our Silicon Valley trip showed, it’s not easy to win new investment but if you work hard enough, anything is possible. And once the floodgates open, a trickle can quickly become a tsunami. If Britain is going to flourish outside the EU, that’s exactly what we’re going to need.

by Rohan Silva

Originally published at on October 17, 2016.



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