What one thing would you do to improve London?

Future entrepreneurs suggest 33 ways to improve city life

Second Home
Work + Life
4 min readFeb 2, 2017


A vision of future London life – but what changes can we make now to help the city’s youth?

On January 26th, The Roundhouse joined forces with the Evening Standard for Young Progress Makers — an afternoon of discussions and debates around entrepreneurialism, campaigning and technology. Featuring London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Lily Cole and Second Home co-founder, Rohan Silva, it gave aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to hear from influencers of today. The audience were also invited into the YPM video booth to record their suggestions for how to improve life in London. Considering a suggestion from the last event led to the creation of the Night Tube, this list is vitally important to take notice of and action. After all, it’s authored by the people who will build the future of this great city.

What one thing would you do to improve London?

1. More youth clubs

2. Self defence lessons for all Londoners — street and knife crime is very dangerous

3. Big corporates to offer more opportunities for young people

4. Big corporates to care and make a difference about social change

5. Change the way the youth of today are perceived and give them more leadership roles in our community

6. Free accessible wifi for everyone — tourists and locals

7. Make music more available — more cheap and smaller music venues, cheaper ticket prices

8. Creating more green spaces and improve air quality

9. Improve the transport system and better access for cyclists and also access for cyclists to get on public transport

10. Bridge the gap between big companies and organisations and young people so young people know how to get involved with the things these big companies do

11. Put more entertainment and attractions such as adventure playgrounds, music studios, cinemas, roller skating areas so that young people can be occupied

12. More awareness of mental health so taught from primary school upwards as 1 in 4 people suffer from this

13. There is a society even though people say London don’t have one — people help people and all these communities, charities and groups are great and diverse so lets get together and help each other anyway we can

14. Improve the air quality by drastically reducing the amount of vehicles on the road

15. Education — if we can improve this we can get the next generation confident with their mental well being, cooking, home skills, science, arts and how to be human. Use boxing, tai chai, martial arts, art history to be offered in schools

16. Lower the price of rent and cost of housing so more people can afford to live in the city

17. Bridge the gap between young and old in terms of doing business — the idea you’re too young to run a multi million pound business or too young to manage people

18. Housing more accessible

19. Work on the lack of jobs available for young people. Invest time and money into projects to engage young people

20. Stop taking youth privileges away and bring back more youth groups and businesses to take them away from crime

21. Thinking about Brexit — do not think about it and worry about it. London is an exciting city with lots going on so focus on that

22. London a great city but for it to thrive and move into the next chapter it needs to have more accessibility for education, housing and improving its weak links. Looking after its vulnerable people

23. Greater investment in the suburbs

24. Guarantee more access for funding and the arts and help people with applications and make it a simpler process

25. Cost of renting in London

26. First aid and mental health training

27. School curriculum. They don’t get taught to explore their interests e.g. dance, retail, fashion

28. Make London a public space and reduce private spaces

29. Transport — I would try to come up with a better and cheaper option

30. Wifi on busses

31. Do something within my local community to improve gang violence and help out with homelessness

32. Make young people a more central part of decision making and open this up to a wider range of people from more diverse backgrounds

33. I would get the judges to highly challenge Teresa May on the laws and changes she is trying to push through. I think it will misalign peoples freedom in this city

Second Home is a creative workspace and cultural venue, bringing together diverse industries, disciplines and social businesses. Find out more about joining us here: secondhome.io



Second Home
Work + Life

Unique workspace and cultural venue, bringing together diverse industries, disciplines and social businesses. London/Lisbon/LA