How to Finish an Online Course

Tips and Tricks to Keep You Motivated from Start to Finish

Workaroo Advice
3 min readDec 11, 2020


Let’s play a game. I need you to put both hands up for this. Put a finger down if you’ve ever found an online course, fell in love with it immediately, started doing it, couldn’t shut up about how great it was, then stopped half-way through and never looked back. Yeah, me too.

I finished six online courses this year — one of them took 3+ months. Therefore, I am practically an expert at finishing these things. So, I thought to share the tips and tricks I used to get myself to keep going back till I earned my certificates.

1. Be Super Interested in What you’re Learning

There are so many things to learn these days, a lot of career paths to choose from; it can get confusing. When selecting an online course, pick something in a field you’re truly interested in, not just something from a top ten careers of the future listicle. While money (or at least the prospect of earning a lot of it) can be good motivation, it doesn’t always work. But you know what does, INTEREST.

2. Treat it Like an Actual Class

It’s easy to fall into the trap of treating your online course as an afterthought or something you can do whenever. That’s a quick route to the land of dropping out. You need to take it as seriously as you take your classes in school; pay attention during lectures, read the materials, and do any assignments given.

3. Don’t Stay in Bed

This one is a trap set by your village people; don’t fall into it. One minute you’re listening to the instructor talk about UI/UX design, and the next, you’re sound asleep. Don’t do it.

4. Start Early in the Day or Have a Set Time for it

I usually start when I wake up then take a break to shower and eat and go back to it. It’s easier for me to pick it up after breakfast because I’m continuing not starting, so my laptop is already open and side-eyeing me. Alternatively, you can have a set time for your course and stick to it every day. It’s easier to make something a routine if you always do it at the same time.

5. Eliminate Distractions

Since it’s online you’re either working on your phone or computer; so it’s easy to get distracted. What you need to do here is put your devices on do not disturb or install apps like Freedom that block distractions on all your devices.

6. Go at Your Own Pace

Trying to do it all at once is the quickest way to burnout and abandon the course. Take breaks when you need them and come back when you’re ready. Na who dey alive fit learn.

Now that you’ve learnt how to conquer an online course, go out and prosper!!!

If there’s a course you’ve been eyeing but can’t afford, Workaroo is giving scholarships for online courses this Christmas!!!!!! Fill the form to become a Workaroo Scholar here.

If you’d like to donate to this wonderful cause, here’s our Paystack. We also accept bitcoin donations here. If you’d like to donate career coaching sessions, resume and cover letter reviews, work clothes, and related things, please reach out to Teju.

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