#Workastories: Dera Echedom

Workaroo Advice
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2019

What do you do?

I am currently the Creative Director at ExploreWithDera. Explore With Dera is a chronicle of journeys, cruises and experiences of several destinations across the globe. It’s just a medium for me to share my travel journeys, restaurant reviews and people see it through my page or website.

What inspired you to start Explore With Dera?

I just wanted to share my story and narrate my experiences about places I visit. I wanted people to know that they could have fun while being on a budget that’s what motivated me to start, I wanted people to know they didn’t need to have everything figured out when it comes to tourism and sharing their experiences, you just have to put it out small and with time things would fall in place.

How did you get your first job?

I got my first job in my penultimate year. We had the Expedition Conference in my department; we had many companies represented at the event, and after much deliberation, I walked up to the CEO of Ventures Africa and said: “I’ll love to work at your firm”. He told me to check their website, click on careers, and apply.

I did, and I was invited for an interview. I wasn’t surprised when I received an offer. My dad took me to work on my first day. I was there for three months, and it was a mixture of fun, experience, and learning.

How did you choose your career path?

I studied Economics, but right from school, I knew I didn’t want to go into Economics full-time. At the time, I leaned towards fintech and storytelling. I was very interested in telling stories and the media as a whole, and that interest led me to ExploreWithDera. I’m happy I studied Economics; however, it is a very diversified course.

Tell us an interesting failure story about your career

So far, my career has been a smooth run; I’m taking things one step at a time, so there are no stories yet.

Tell us an interesting success story about your career

There are so many success stories, from bagging professional courses to getting chartered, all of which have helped me advance my career.

Do you think graduating with a first-class is overrated?

Graduating with a first-class is not overrated; it opens doors for people. If you can get a first-class, please do.

What was the most important factor in how you got your first job?

I’d say confidence; I was outspoken, and I went for what I wanted. I believe everyone should do this; you will get a few ‘Nos’, but don’t let that deter you.

How do you think running a business in school influenced your career journey?

While in school, I ran a business called Jacquesglam; I sold items such as sunglasses, accessories and bags, I also curated fun activities for people on a budget. Running a business in school helped me in so many ways. I learned proper time management, multi-tasking, problem-solving, and money management; all these skills have helped to shape my journey in the “real world”.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned so far?

The biggest lesson I have learned so far is that there’s plenty of space for everyone to do the same thing, and it’s never too late to start or re-start. It took me a while to fully understand this.

What would you do differently if you could start all over?

Honestly, there is nothing I would do differently.

Do you think ‘connects/networks’ are important when you’re trying to get a job?

Yes, connections and networks are important in getting a job, but having the skills and something to offer is more important.

What’s a quote that resonates with you?

“We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated.” — Maya Angelou

Dera Echedom|@jahquelyn_



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