Do more with tasks in To-do bot

Angeli Yuson
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2017

To-do bot has helped over 80,000 teams create and manage their tasks in Slack and now, teams can do more with their tasks with the release of repeating tasks, reordering of the list and task reminders.

You can now do more with tasks with three feature enhancements that have just been released in To-do bot. Many teams have different needs. You asked and we listened.

Checkout the new features below:

Repeating Tasks

Many teams have a checklist of tasks that need to be completed on a regular basis, and now To-do bot has introduced repeat tasks in the To-do Dashboard.

Repeat tasks allows you to choose a due date, and then choose a frequency of how often you would like this task to to repeat. Once the task is completed, the original task will be regenerated (without the comments) with a new due date based on the frequency chosen.

Reorder tasks in a list

When creating tasks for a team or project, the order of the tasks created may need to be changed due to the priority of the task. You can simply drag and drop tasks in the To-do Dashboard to change the order of the to-do list.

You can reorder your tasks based on priority, or move certain tasks together based on your team needs.

Task reminders

To-do bot has now introduced reminders for each individual task. When a due date and time is set for a task, the person who created the task will receive a reminder 30 minutes before the due date and time.

If the task is assigned to a team member, the assigned person will receive the reminder.

Users can change the default time of when they would like to be reminded of a task in their user settings in the To-do Dashboard.

Click here to login to the To-do Dashboard and try out the new features today!

If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below or email us at

About To-do bot

To-do bot is your task manager that seamlessly integrates to the way your team communicates. Be more productive by using to-do bot to manage your tasks and workload within your team. Create tasks, assign tasks to team members, set due dates and get reminders, all without leaving the conversation. Learn more at



Angeli Yuson
Editor for

Angeli is the Founder and COO of Workast, a work management platform that helps teams get more work done. Check it out: