How a New York Digital Agency uses Workast to successfully manage new website projects for Clients

Angeli Yuson
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2018

Check out how Craig sets up his Workast Space so that new websites are delivered on time for each Client.

Craig is a manager at a New York Digital Agency and uses Workast to manage his clients work, and run projects successfully.

This is how Craig has set up his Workast account to successfully increase productivity in his team, and manage Client projects on time.

Setting up Clients

A Space in Workast is where tasks live. Craig set up each Client with their own Space in Workast which also connects to the corresponding Slack channel.

The majority of new client projects taken on are new websites and follow the same design process. Therefore, Craig set up a template called ‘Website Project’ which he imports into the Client’s Space. A template can be reused for multiple Spaces and add to the existing structure of the Space.

Setting deadlines

After Craig imports the ‘Website Project’ template into his new client Space, he sets due dates for each Milestone based on what was discussed in the kick off meeting with the Client. Each task must be completed by the set deadline and the assigned team member is advised when the task is due to keep them on track.

If any new tasks arise within each Milestone, they are created and assigned to a team member so that all the work for Bliss, Co. can be tracked in Workast.

Capturing tasks that were once lost

Prior to Workast, Craig would receive an email with meeting minutes or a phone message. Post-it notes were left on team members desk with work to do and often forgotten about or misplaced.

With Workast, Craig added a list for “Phone messages” and “Meeting minutes”. This list is crucial in reducing lost or forgotten tasks.

Phone messages:

  • The receptionist, Susie leaves any phone messages that the team receives here from the Client if a team member is unavailable to take the call. It is company policy to call the client back within 3 hours of receiving the call so Susie adds a due date for one hour away and assigns it to the person the client called for. This means that the team member responsible for returning the call will receive a reminder to call the client at the due date time.
  • Once the client has been called back, the assigned team member writes any notes of the call in the description, creates any tasks required and then completes the task.

Meeting minutes

  • Craig runs meetings online through video conference and Blake, a project manager, joins the call with the Client to review the work the team has produced.
  • Under the list for ‘Meeting Minutes’, Blake creates a task based on the objective of the call. For example, Sales Call Meeting with Meghan. Blake writes the meeting minutes in the description of the task and creates any subtasks which are related to this call.
  • After the meeting, the team has the meeting minutes on record with action items so that no task is missed.

Transparency for the project

Since everything is tracked in Workast, Craig can run a report to see all the tasks that were completed for the project with Bliss Co. within the last 7 days and provide a progress report to the client.

If any tasks are outstanding, Craig can see exactly which tasks need to be completed to move to the next phase.

Since using Workast, we have been able to deliver our projects on time to our Clients”, said Craig. “Each team member knows exactly what they need to do, and when. We have been able to increase productivity within the team as we add all the information into Workast so we don’t have to have numerous meetings about the same topic. It has been great for our workplace and I recommend you try it out.

About Workast

Workast is a “Slack-first” collaborative task management tool. It is used by teams to create tasks, organize daily work, manage projects and track productivity. Workast brings a 360° view of what teams are working on to help them get more work done. Workast is based in Los Angeles, California.



Angeli Yuson
Editor for

Angeli is the Founder and COO of Workast, a work management platform that helps teams get more work done. Check it out: