Role of Freelancing in the Emerging Technologies

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3 min readFeb 22, 2018

Gone are the days when technologies like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence were considered “too futuristic” for the commercial sector. Today, these are readily deployed by the companies in almost every industry.

In fact, when IDG conducted a study on the large enterprises in 2016, it found that a little more than a quarter of them had already adopted the data and analytics technologies with 78% agreeing that data strategy, collection and analysis have the ability to change the way their business is conducted completely.

It’s evident that the large companies are finding new ways to capitalize on the modern technologies. However, it’s not the same with the startups in the tech industry. This is because most of them are unable to hire the right professionals at the right time for their projects.

It’s not that the companies are unaware of the potential of IoT, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, etc. it’s that they are unable to overcome the challenges that exist in making use of these technologies.

Let’s take a look at what these challenges are, and how freelancers can be a game-changer:

1. Lack of Expertise

Most of the new technologies including Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence are quite advanced and difficult to apply. This is true even for the seasoned programmers and software developers.

One has to have a really good understanding of the core programming principles and methods to work with the new age technologies. Since it is not easy to find full-time programmers for these technologies locally, freelancers can be an excellent option.

Whatever talents you are looking for, you can find them quickly by posting a project on a platform like Workbeans and have them find you the most skilled individuals in the domain. It’s as simple as that!

2. Budget Constraints

The majority of business operations are affected by the cash flow and budget. If you had an unlimited budget, you would round up the most powerful IT team to work in your company. However, we all know that it can only happen in a utopian world.

Realistically, if you want to hire the best IT professional for your advanced projects but without disrupting the business cash flow, then once again freelancers can help you out. This is because they can be hired at affordable rates but without compromising the quality of work.

3. Flexibility

The manpower requirements for a tech company varies from time to time. This is because when there is a big project or multiple small projects at a time, then the company needs more staff. Similarly, when business is slow, then only a few programmers would suffice. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to maintain this kind of system…unless you embrace the gig economy, that is.

Why waste human resources when you can appoint freelancers as per your requirements for varying projects? This way, you pay for the exact amount of work you want to be done. It’s convenient and flexible, unlike any other existing employment model.

Smart businesses want smart work done at reasonable rates. This is why freelancer platforms like Workbeans are becoming a norm rather than an option. Besides, it’s a win-win for both the employer and the employees, as the former gets quality talent at prices they are comfortable with, and the latter gets flexible employment with little to no pressure.

Workbeans helps customers to find, hire and work with our service partners and freelancers through our platform. You can work with us to consult, transform and implement a business case. Do you have a business idea or need support? We are here to help you to bring it in to action.

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