Dev Update: Version 11.1 & 11.2 (Release Notes)

Blox the Friendly Fox šŸ¦Š
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2018

Itā€™s time to again gather ā€˜round the campfire and listen in awe to the stories of our Dev teamā€™s adventures.

What have they been up to? Where have they been? What tales have they lived to tell?

Itā€™s all right here in a blockbuster double update: Dev Update 11.1 and 11.2.

Whatā€™s New in This Update

Private Sale Announced on Site

Registered users will have the option to directly apply for our uber-exclusive private sale whitelist from their dashboard. Itā€™s your chance to be the first in line. Simply tell us a little bit about yourself and weā€™ll be in touch.

Up-to-date Earned Bounty Points & Bounty Support Group

If youā€™re involved in it, you know our super fandangled Bounty program has points periods. Wouldnā€™t it be nice to know how many points youā€™ve earned in the live period? Well, now you can. Your Bounty page now displays your live earned points for the period youā€™re in.

Stacking those pointsā€¦

Weā€™ve also added an easy-access link to our new Bounty Telegram SupportGroup. Itā€™s the place to be if youā€™ve got any questions or issues with the Bounty.

Homepage Updates

The home(page) is where the heart is. And weā€™re always about sprucing ours up. What was an already mighty fine look page is now ever sharper thanks to these updates:

  • Real-time Paycheck Announcement
    A couple weeks back, we paid our first real-time paycheck on (Miss it? Here it is). Itā€™s rather a big deal for workers around the world. And weā€™re kinda proud of it. So, like an A+ school paper on the refrigerator, weā€™ve pinned the announcement to our homepage.
Our first real-time paycheck is smack bang in the middle of our homepage, where it ought to be.
  • Get to Know Us ā€” CEO Podcasts
    Our CEO Ryan Fyfe has been doing the rounds on the podcasts circuit, spreadinā€™ the good word about A handful of these podcasts are now linked from our home page. Take a listen to Ryanā€™s dulcet tones and get an inside look at
  • Full Advisor Bios
    Our Advisors are some interesting folks. Deserving of more than just a handful of words on a website. So you can get to ā€™em better, weā€™ve added links to full bios from our homepage.
  • Even More Responsive Mobile Site
    No matter your screen size, phone make or browser, our site comes across in all its responsive glory.

Telegram Bounty Points Lifetime Tracking

Weā€™re all about lasting relationships at Thatā€™s why weā€™ve fixed our Bounty tracking to ensure points are only awarded for likes, posts and reposts that last for the lifetime of the Bounty, and arenā€™t deleted before then. This way, weā€™re rewarding the truly dedicated Bounty participants.

Multi-Language Whitepaper

Our whitepaper is now available in multiple languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Russian. Along with the English version, that covers about 4 billion of the worldā€™s population.

Bug Fixes

Forty six bugs positively obliterated this update by our exterminating Dev team . Hereā€™s some of what got debugged:

  • Facebook privacy preventing bounty ā€œlikeā€ tracking ā€” A small number of users liked our Facebook page but the activity wasnā€™t tracked. Turns out itā€™s to do with Facebookā€™s privacy settings (damn you again, Zuckerberg!). Weā€™ve addressed it. But if itā€™s happening to you still, thereā€™s a fix you can do yourself: click here for the answer.
  • Homepage graphics ā€” Some of the numbered graphics on our home page were a little off center. Like a painting hanging crooked on a wall. These have been straighten out.
  • Problem adding picture and updating bio on profile ā€” Thereā€™d been a report of issues adding an avatar picture and bio to usersā€™ profiles. Weā€™re pleased to report thereā€™s no longer anything stopping users adding their smiliest happy snap and awe-inspiring bio. Think how popular youā€™ll be now?!

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Blox the Friendly Fox šŸ¦Š

Fox of All Trades @, The Blockchain Solution for the Future of Payroll šŸ‘”šŸ”—šŸš€Claim to fame: first furry friend with an immutable CV!