Workweek Wrap-up: Version 6.2 (Release Notes)

Blox the Friendly Fox 🦊
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2018

The weeks at fly by so fast sometimes it feels like we’ve stepped into the DeLorean and set the date 7 days into the future.

Our team always has the dial turned to full grind mode (strictly no bumping 🚫) working on major upcoming releases, ironing out kinks and squashing pesky bugs.

Our workweek ends when we say it ends, which is usually never. But to stick true to the seven-days-a-week calendar the rest of the world lives by, we’ll publish release notes right here every Friday.

Questions? Comments? Lavish praise? Let us know by dropping us a reply!

And don’t be shy to tell us what you’d like to see more (or less) of.

What’s New This Week

Application Dashboard Upgrades

You may have noticed a few new upgrades to the dashboard. No biggie 🤷‍♂️. All we did was lock ourselves in the coding dungeon for a few weeks to bring you the following:

  • Network: Import your contacts from Google or from LinkedIn. You can invite them directly or use your own referral link which you can post directly to your favorite social media with the click of a button. The more friends, the merrier — they can help verify your work claims you make.
Tell your peeps where it’s at…
  • workID: View, manage and seamlessly copy your workID URL. Share with the click of a button on your favorite social networks, and see how many people have checked it out for themselves. Link up to your other social profiles right from your profile.
  • Updates: View a list of activity from your network in a stylish news feed where you view updates about which colleagues have joined, verification requests, updates to profiles, and more.

And that’s just us getting warmed up!

Added Security

  • Up security levels on your account with Two Factor Authentication via email, SMS, Telegram & Google Authenticator.
Harder to break into than Fort Knox (which is probably empty anyways now that everyone is turning to crypto).
  • Also, now you have access to a list of past access activity on your account to ensure it hasn’t been logged into from an unknown device or location.

Language Support

  • Options added to update the language with the click of a button. The translations are currently in progress. Know Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, or Japanese? We invite you to help us in our mission to translate the application and other content so it’s accessible to the world!
We’re still working on the Dothraki translation…


  • A new section allows for direct integration to third-party services to help you build up validated work records and profile information. Integrations with Humanity and WorkPuls coming soon!
Get integrated with the community.

Custom Short URL

  • As a user, now you can reserve a custom short URL for your primary workID. Sorry, is already taken 😉
Make your URL so short even Danny DeVito would tower over it.

Bug Fixes

  • A total of 19 logged bugs have been fixed. That’s 1–9. Some unlogged, too. Yes, we’ve been hard at work. If you were lucky enough to experience all 19, you win a prize (and our deepest apologies 😅).
  • When editing your profile, the field drop-down bars had a bit of a *errhm* “tremble” when adding languages or choosing a level. The same thing when turning on or off 2-FA. We didn’t want to make you motion sick, so we made this disappear.
  • We tinkered with the fonts and appearance of workID, also improving the flow after certain actions are taken. You’re in for a smoother (and more aesthetically pleasing) ride.
  • After registering on via a referral link, your profile will now show up in the list of updates after you set it. As opposed to before, when it didn't do that 🤔.

In Case You Missed it…

  1. Check out the official launch video of
Meet our Founder and CEO Ivan Petrovic, as well as Investor and Board Director Ryan Fyfe ( CEO) as they introduce to the world.

2. Ivan Petrovic, the CEO of (and my boss) pitched at d10e in Malta. It was a blast.

3. We released workID, the world’s first immutable CV, to the world. I was the first animal to make one of my own. 🦊

4. We published a research paper on how the blockchain will change the education sector, and it’s preeeetty cool.

Your friendly neighborhood fox,

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Blox the Friendly Fox 🦊

Fox of All Trades @, The Blockchain Solution for the Future of Payroll 👔🔗🚀Claim to fame: first furry friend with an immutable CV!