Workweek Wrap-up: Version 7.2 (Release Notes)

Blox the Friendly Fox 🦊
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2018

Boo-yah! Blox back with another dev update, my favorite time of the week.

For the past seven days (that’s a full 126 World Cup matches — think about it), we’ve been bouncing around bits of code faster than you can say “GOOOOOOAAALLLL.” ⚽

I don’t wear socks because that’s how I roll!

So prepare yourself, because these updates are going to knock your socks off. As you can see, that’s what happened to me after seeing the brief this week (well, at least it would have been if I even wore socks 🦊).

Send us your feedback in the form of claps. Likes, upvotes, emails, messages, and of course, goal celebrations, are always welcomed too.

What’s New This Week

New and Improved workPAY and workID Pages

If you’ve checked out our website in the past few weeks, you would have noticed a few new additions to our homepage in the form of links: workID and workPAY. These detailed pages break down all the functionality of the products we’re creating for you. And well, we’ve made some updates:

  • workPAY: workPAY, put simply, is better payroll for employers and employees. As we like to say, “when you clock out or finish a task you’ll get paid in minutes, not days.” Check out the updated page here:
workPAY is our solution to slow, outdated payroll methods.
  • workID: We’ve updated the new workID page as well. workID is a blockchain-based professional profile that links to workPAY to get you PAID. It’ll also be the last resume you’ll ever need. Check out the updated page here:
Read all about the features of workID, and how it will help you to succeed in the future work economy.

workPAY Demo Version 2.0

  • You’ll notice that you can now change payment settings when viewing the workPAY demo inside the app. We’re going to keep increasing its functionality until it’s fully integrated and ready to roll, so keep checking back!
  • Heads up: you’ll now see a pop-up each time you enter the demo, just to avoid any possible confusion! (Yeah, we wish it was real money, too.)

Bug Fixes

  • We squashed 10 bugs this week (and that’s not counting the ants our developer attracted with the two-day old sandwich he forgot about under his desk).
  • Tremors, twitches, and trouble when creating a new workID no more! No, you can stop worrying that you were going crazy — that was our bad. All good now.
  • The URLs for workID and workPAY are now more intuitive in-app (Is that a word? You get what I mean.)
  • When trying to send a payment, you may have encountered a warning about the amount needing to be 0 or less. Our bad. We had that one a little backwards. All fixed now.

In Case You Missed it…

  1. We were so excited to announce the token that’ll power our ecosystem: WorkChain App Token (aka WATT Tokens). Find out more about our native currency.
WHAT? !That’s me and my first WATT Token!

2. We have a brand new workPAY demo up on our site! Read about workPAY here to find out how you can get money on your terms when you need it most, then check out the demo after you log in to our site (just make sure to register first 😉).

3. Also, be sure to check out our newly designed workID page. This is the first step in the whole process. Plus, you get a snazzy one-pager like this:

Be ready for next week, where we have an announcement coming about a new functionality on our site. Think big.

Your friendly neighborhood fox,

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Blox the Friendly Fox 🦊

Fox of All Trades @, The Blockchain Solution for the Future of Payroll 👔🔗🚀Claim to fame: first furry friend with an immutable CV!