Hello World, from Workday Design

An invitation to learn about our team and our work.

Workday Design
Workday Design
1 min readJul 26, 2018


By Eric Brown, Director, Applications Design, Workday

Welcome to our design blog — we’re so happy you found us. Workday Design is a creative team of designers, researchers, technologists, content strategists, innovators, educators, writers, artists, and leaders. For several years, we’ve been silently fine-tuning our craft, working on really hard enterprise design problems through a consumer lens.

We hope you enjoy checking us out from time to time, as we have some experiences and insights you may find value in. We hope you enjoy our products if you’re fortunate enough to work in a place where our products live. And we hope you’ll tell us how we can get better, and engage in discussion with the people that make up Workday Design.

Our design culture is founded on the idea that we can always learn and always improve. And as we have been working on defining and instituting our design culture here at Workday, we now feel we have a perspective worth sharing.

