How to use Wearables in the Factory: Impact on Logistics (4/4)

Thorsten Krüger
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2018

Smartwatches for the Industry

About this series:
This series of articles introduces four different application areas for the use of smartwatches in industrial settings. I will cover a few examples and summarise the main benefits that smartwatches offer for manufacturing operations.
In case you missed it, here is
the first article.

Smartwatches in Industry can be used for different application areas. By using these devices, workers get an always connected, extendable tool which brings real-time contextual information into app-based workflows. Thus productivity can be increased, quality improved and costs can be reduced.

In this blog series, I already have introduced three different application areas for the use of smartwatches in industrial settings: Quality management, Maintenance workflows and manual assembly. I will now highlight the benefits and examples for logistics processes.

Application area 4: Logistics

Internal logistics can benefit in multiple ways from the usage of smartwatches and app-based workflows. Real-time information provided to workers boosts internal supply and transport processes such as staging orders, picking orders, supply orders, replenishment, transportation orders and put-away orders.

As smartwatches can alert users, display information and allow real-time feedback, the communication between different departments can be increased and individual processes can be improved.

For example, sending replenishment orders from the production line can be done with a smartwatch app, the respective forklift driver would get the replenishment alert on his smartwatch. A different example is a picking process, where step-by-Step instructions on the smartwatch perfectly support the piece-by piece picking workflow.

Smartwatches improve processes in intralogistics as it allows the creation of workflows apps and tracking of workflow progress. Transport orders can be initiated in an adhoc manner to reduce order lead times and buffer space at the work place. Some devices like the WORKERBASE smartwatch provide an integrated barcode scanner: this is a handy tool for instant barcode scanning, e.g. in picking or putting scenarios.

As a result, Smartwatches are a value driver for improved logistics processes:

· Shorter wait times

· Shorter lead times and queue times

· Less intermediate stocks and safety stock levels

· Reduced WIP levels

Lets have a look at two concrete examples:

Example 1: Order replenishment

With always-on, always connected smartwatches, users can immediately order replenishment. The orders would directly be sent to forklift drivers or tugger train drivers who get the transport order in real-time on their smartwatch.With such a fully-digital replenishment workflow, paper-based order forms can be removed. Phone calls or emails for replenishment orders are a thing of the past — improving reaction and waiting times!

A concrete set up could be organized like this:

- The smartwatch is used to order replenishment for re-supply: workers scan the barcode of missing material and can quantity the needed supply.

- Tugger train drivers get the order. Either they pick the order by themself or they re-assign the picking order to co-workers in the supermarket

- When waiting times occur, superiors receive notifications on their Smartwatches and can initiate corrective actions

Existing line-of-business application are integrated in the system and orders are reported back to ERP or WMS.

Example 2: Picking items

With smartwatches, picking and commissioning workflows can be transformed into fully digital solutions. Picking instructions are displayed as step-by-step instructions. It is possible to report status updates, e.g. in case items are missing.

A concrete setup could look like this:

All pickers get a personal watch that guide them through the process step-by-step.

- Integration ERP SAP to pull worklists

- Report missing items and quantity differences in realtime

- Optionally re-assignment of tasks to co-workers

- When problems occur, superiors recieve notifications on their Smartwatches

- Mutliple workers can work on a single order or each user works on an individual order

Benefits of Smartwatches on Logistics

As you have seen, the use of smartwatches has positive impact on intralogistic processes. Benefits include but are not limited to:

- Real-time material provision to avoid long queue and wait times.

- Improved coordination between different areas

- Less material buffers needed

- Replenishment can be ordered with an app-based workflow from smartwatches or tablets

- Orders are directly sent to relevant workers e.g. forklift drivers who will be noticed in real-time

What are your thoughts on using smartwatches for logistics? Please let me know! Or continue reading about further application areas:

1. Smartwatches for Quality management

2. Smartwatches for Service and Maintenance

3. Smartwatches for Manual assembly

