What does a fairer future of work look like in the UK?

Dama Sathianathan
WorkerTech Dispatch
2 min readJun 6, 2022

Explore this question and more with Bethnal Green Ventures and Resolution Ventures at the WorkerTech breakfast on 14th June — a fringe event during London Tech Week.

As we publish this blog, a cost of living crisis is unfolding, the tech world is riddled with layoffs, low pay continues to be widespread among the self-unemployed, and precarious workers are struggling to deal with increased forms of work insecurity, ranging from the risk of job loss, not being able to find enough hours and more. The question of what a fairer future of work looks like is a timely one, one which we want to bring to the wider tech for good community and anyone interested to ensure equitable access to opportunities, decent work and fair pay.

With our partners Resolution Ventures, we set out on a mission to back founders who are improving the prospects of low-income workers across the UK and are currently open for applications for investment and support through BGV’s Tech for Good programme.

With every cycle of applications, we see a variety in applications and thus far funded companies that give workers more power, like Organise and Worker Feedback Club, giving workers the tools, network and confidence to make change happen in the workplace; companies providing better work experiences and resources and tools for upskilling, like Tendo for frontline workers, Upskill Me for young people and many other ventures.

On 14th June 2022, as part of London Tech Week, we’re hosting a WorkerTech breakfast to bring founders, funders, and ecosystem players together to explore new ideas that tackle the very work insecurities faced by low-income workers and radically improve workers’ lives.

Come along:

  • If you’re working at the intersection of tech and the future of work
  • If you’re building or thinking about starting a WorkerTech venture to positively impact the lives of precarious and low-income workers
  • If you are interested to fund WorkerTech ventures
  • If you are interested to explore what a fairer future of work could look like.

Details to sign up here, we promise coffee/tea and lots of food for thought!

In the meantime, check out our articles exploring the challenges and opportunities for WorkerTech in the UK in the WorkerTech Dispatch and the latest report Low Pay Britain from our partners at the Resolution Foundation.



Dama Sathianathan
WorkerTech Dispatch

Partner @bg_ventures — investing in #TechForGood 🙌🏾 | Trustee @ChaynHQ | Previous life at INGOs | Running meetups @techforgoodtv