Exploring an abbreviation

Michael Schuberth
🏡 wfh
Published in
1 min readApr 11, 2024

Hello, my name is Michael, and I Work From Home (WFH). To me, the best part about Working From Home (WFH) is that I get to Work Featuring Hobbies (WFH). As an accountant, I need to indulge in creative outlets regularly to live comfortably Without Frequent Headaches (WFH). Five minutes on the piano can easily relieve tension and allow me to come back to a spreadsheet Well Focused & Happy (WF&H). Mental health aside, my diet and physical activity is also Way Fucking Healthier (WFH) when compared to working in an office. If I want a snack, I don’t have to resort to a vending machine because I can go to my own fridge for a big Washed Fruit Haul (WFH) or a salad With Fresh Herbs (WFH). Much like my coworker Sophie, I love to use my walking pad While Focusing Heavily (WFH) on meetings that I don’t have to host. Sure, I don’t Walk For Hours (WFH) every day, but it’s nice to be able to stay active even if the Weather Forecast is Horrible (WFisH).

There are many more reasons why I love Working From Home (WFH), but I find myself Woefully Fatigued, Honestly (WF,H). I’m also running out of ideas for the abbreviation.

