Recruiters say: What about providing feedback on the job interview with tech?

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2 min readJun 29, 2023

Within the framework of our Changes in Recruitment project, we approached Ebina Chikudo, a Freelance Recruiter, to find out what she would have changed in recruitment if she had an opportunity.

Here’s what she suggests:

“Recently, I’ve come to understand that recruiters often offer a vague justification for regretting a candidate after the interview process. I hope that as recruiters, we could find a more thorough response, one that outlines the factors. I think this will help them address their areas of weakness.”

Referring to her personal experience, Ebina notes: “I got the chance to get in touch with Lisa Woefle, the recruiter who had conducted my interview, and she graciously made time out of her busy schedule to walk through my interview with me.”

But at the same time Ebina realizes this kind of feedback could be time consuming: “Yes, it will be impractical for recruiters to add all that to their already busy schedules today. So I’ll admit that I wish there was a software that could be used as an add-on tool when conducting interviews.”

In particular, here’s how that tool could be functioning, according to her: “The recruiters would input data into the program while conducting interviews, and the program would then produce a report of some kind. The report would subsequently be provided to the applicant as an attachment when a letter of regret is sent.”

“This would probably help lots of applicants do well in interviews,” Ebina concludes.

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