I’m voting Monday in the Electoral College. I need your help first.

Working Families Party
Working Families Party
2 min readDec 15, 2016

My name is Hazel Ingram. I’m 93 years old.

Earlier this year, I was chosen to represent the Working Families Party as one of New York State’s 29 members of the Electoral College. On Monday, I will have the honor of casting my vote.

However, I have become concerned that the Electoral College will not be able to fulfill our duty to ensure that the president meets “requisite qualifications” and to prevent foreign powers from gaining undue influence over our elections or government.

That’s why I signed an open letter urging National Intelligence Director James Clapper to provide an intelligence briefing to members of the Electoral College about foreign influence on the election and Trump.

Will you join me by signing this petition to Director Clapper urging him to brief every member of the Electoral College on Putin’s efforts to put Donald Trump in the White House?

Intelligence officials have concluded with “high confidence” that top levels of the Russian government worked to influence the election to benefit Donald Trump.

Key advisors to Donald Trump, including secretary of state nominee Rex Tillerson, ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, and Trump foreign policy advisor Carter Page, as well as Trump himself, have close business ties to the Russian government and Vladimir Putin.

And bipartisan ethics experts warn that Trump will be in violation of the Constitution the minute he’s sworn in because of payments he receives from foreign governments.

I’m a proud activist who’s been an active member of my union, SEIU 32BJ, for over 60 years. My grandmother was a slave, and for the first 40 years of my life, most African-Americans were not allowed to vote in my home state of Georgia. I marched as a union member with the Rev. Dr. King. I helped elect Shirley Chisholm to Congress.

I am excited to cast my own vote for Hillary Clinton on Monday. But I believe every Elector deserves to know the full facts about the Russian government’s connections to Trump and his campaign before we undertake our constitutional duties.

The odds of the Electoral College rejecting Trump are tiny. But if even a handful of Conscientious Electors break with Trump, it will help confirm across America that he has no mandate.

Will you stand with me and my fellow Electors by signing our petition to Director Clapper today?

In solidarity,

Hazel Ingram



Working Families Party
Working Families Party

Join the progressive party and fight to build an America that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and well connected.