Energy Revolution

Wade Bitaraf
Working for Change
3 min readOct 24, 2016


There are a few reasons for which leaders and investors of the energy space are convinced we are in the midst of a revolution in renewable energy. As a result, they are taking actions to help shape the future of energy for the next generations. Let us take a quick look at the four simple reasons.

First, costs are going down faster than almost any predictive in almost every sector. Solar energy in the carter administration was $110 per watt. It made no sense to go solar. Over three decades, we are now approaching $1 a watt. It will become pervasive and, as almost everybody knows, as cost goes down volume goes up. Businesses are taking off and what is fascinating is that it’s not just solar. It is wind, power storage, LED lights, Lithium anion batteries, and every sector in the cleantech economy is booming

Second, we have now millennial consumers. They are now passing baby boomers that’s a large buying cohort in the world. These people above all else want to reduce their carbon footprint. Consequently, the biggest buying cohort in the world, completely opposite their parents who cannot wait to buy the biggest TV, car, home, and throw them all away three years later and start all over, wants to be green.

On top of all of this You have governments. In every part of the world governments are pushing at providing mandates for renewable energy

The fourth reason that we are seeing a revolution here, which is really interesting, is we are moving beyond the area of just solar, wind, biofuel, Electric vehicles. We are moving towards technologies that are being driven by New business models.

In one hand, Things like big data are giving us ways to be more efficient with how we use energies. With social behavior software there are dramatic changes caused by provided intelligence for consumers to make smart energy efficient divisions

In the other hand you hear a lot about Shared economy. Back in the day in California people were counting the days till they can get their drivers license. For the rest of their lives if it was more than 200 meters they must take a car. That’s all gone. We’re moving towards a share economy world. There’s a revolution in the auto industry. There’s a good chance that new generations will never be driving cars in their life. We are moving towards autonomous vehicles

We also have internet of things. Cisco projects we are moving towards 50 billion cars, homes, and other appliances that will dramatically reduce our energy footprint in every fashion of our lives

Everything we’ve been told our entire life is not true. There is a whole new world out there and that’s why we don’t know our entire life. What we heard of this country, largely false driven by oil companies, was there is no economic growth that has occurred without the use of carbon fuels in specific oil. There’s no economic security without the use of oil. We now realize that is 100% false. California was the first state to show increasing economic growth. In precise of time we are reducing our use of carbon fuels.

We are getting very close to an era that you will not have to pay potentially a penny for utilities if there’s enough solar on your roof. You my not have to pay a penny for gas if you’re driving an electric car. That is a bold concept. That’s what we are hoping with the help of the leading countries will continue to happen.



Wade Bitaraf
Working for Change

Founder of Silicon Valley Energy and Sustainability Innovation Platform at Plug and Play Tech Center