Medium is the Safe Haven for Whistleblowers

Howard University, War Crimes, Crypto-corruption

Eddie West
Working for Change
1 min readApr 1, 2018


Over the past few years we have seen countless attempts from both the public and private sector to silence whistleblowers or smaller media outlets working to shine light on the truth (no matter how harsh it may be). Medium, despite its questionable changes in the past year or so, is the new space for whistleblowers to get their word out.

Howard University recently used this space to gain awareness to the corruption at their school. Nafeez Ahmed and his works with INSURGE intelligence have helped expose countless travesties. Voices of controversial journalists that spew uncomfortable truths such as Caitlin Johnstone are alive and welcome. Exposing how the banking cartel are working tirelessly to upend Bitcoin can be found here in this space.

Is medium perfect? No. There are countless idiots here just as any other space on this wonderful web. But this space is growing and giving a voice to people who desperately need it. Truth is coming out. Corruption is being exposed. Medium is helping do that. So, thank you medium and thank you to the brave whistleblowers out there. We appreciate it.



Eddie West
Working for Change

Creator of Working for Change | Trying to make this planet a little better