About Working Freelance Writer

Jenn Greenleaf
Working Freelance Writer
2 min readDec 2, 2018
About Working Freelance Writer

Every writer has to start somewhere. The question is, “where?” When I launched my writing career in 1999, I had no idea where to start. I would ask other writers how they began, and they would answer, “I would send query letters to places like Cappers.” Or, they would answer, “you’ll never be a writer.” Neither of those answers led me anywhere. I couldn’t figure out why these people — who were successful and participating in forums, writing groups, and chats — wouldn’t help me or other novices begin.

So, ever since then, each time I’ve come across someone launching, I’ve done my best to answer their questions. Nearly twenty years later, my business has evolved from pitching magazines and newspapers to working entirely online. I’ve gone from querying to pitching and from looking at markets to content marketing. In my nearly twenty years of writing, it amazes me how much I’ve had to adapt my business.

With that in mind, I’ve decided to launch Working Freelance Writer. I still have writers coming to me asking questions about how to manage their time, set goals, pitch new markets, be productive, find jobs, and more. So, I’ll answer those questions and any other that come along.

I’ll also be linking to a series on my website I’m launching on January 1st entitled, “Be a Writer Who.” My hope for that series is to inspire writers to develop their skills and find the tools and resources they need to enhance their freelance writing businesses.

If you have any questions throughout this journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out!



Jenn Greenleaf
Working Freelance Writer

Jenn Greenleaf is the Managing Editor at nDash.com. You can also check out her work at www.jenngreenleaf.com