Working Freelance Writer Submission Guidelines

Jenn Greenleaf
Working Freelance Writer
2 min readDec 6, 2018
Write for Working Freelance Writer.

The mission of Working Freelance Writer is to help coach those who are new to the industry launch and establish their careers. If you would like to write for WFW, you can submit unpublished Medium drafts. It’s acceptable to submit reprints, as well, so long as you own the rights.

Please make sure you’re following Medium’s submission guidelines when sending in pieces.

· Every submission must comply with Medium’s rules and ad-free policy.
· Each submission must fit in with our mission: helping novice and emerging freelance writers begin, launch, or improve their freelance writing business.


1: Your personal experiences launching a freelance writing business, what you learned, and what others can learn.
2: New and emerging trends in freelance writing tools and resources for managing or improving a freelance writing business.
3: Advice on how to keep writing through a specific challenge, hardship, or situation.

· Working Freelance Writer doesn’t publish fiction or poetry.
· All submissions must be family-friendly, and offensive content will be rejected.
· Please use Canva or similar image editing software to create a feature image that contains the title of your piece.
· Titles are written in title case or sentence case.
· You may submit up to one story per day.
· Working Freelance Writer typically publishes daily, but there could be up to a three-day turnaround.
· Each piece should be self-edited for grammar and style. Another editing pass will occur before publication.

Submitting Under the Partner Program

Those submitting pieces to Working Freelance Writer through Medium’s Partner Program must comply with the submission guidelines, as well as these guidelines:

· Writers agree to follow Working Freelance Writer’s submission guidelines, as well as Medium’s content guidelines and curation guidelines.
· It is against Medium’s Partner Program guidelines to submit content that mention’s Medium or it’s related programs.
· Writers who would like to submit under the Partnership Program must save this option on their dashboard when saving the draft. (Click here for instructions.)
· Working Freelance Writer does not handle payments to freelance writers. All earnings are handled through Medium.
· Payments are sent through Medium according to the terms outlined in their Partner Program agreement.

Submit a Draft

Use this form to submit a draft to Working Freelance Writer: Submission form.



Jenn Greenleaf
Working Freelance Writer

Jenn Greenleaf is the Managing Editor at You can also check out her work at