Medium Is The Message

With the medium we choose the scale, pace and often pattern of our messages

Working In High Heels


Words are my stories. Words are the messages I send into the universe. Words are the thoughts I scribble when I travel in traffic, when I am on a plane, when I can’t sleep after finishing a ‘God damn helluva nice book!’. Words. Words. Sometimes a few. Few times a lot. But words.

So earlier this year when everyone started with projects like #100happydays, I wanted to start a series of scribbled words. It took me good three months to decide that it wasn't my Blog or Instagram or Tumblr that will host these words. I wanted to write but not bound by words. I wanted something that will not only host these words but add to them, breathe life into the words and not keep them static. I wanted fire, rain, wind and water. I wanted it all. And I wanted it sans colour. Basically a picture of scribbled letter on a white sheet, followed by a two minute reading.

Over last few months, I fell in love with Medium. It has everything I wanted to host this new project of Words…

And like Marshall McLuhan said:

The Medium is the Message

With the medium we choose the scale, pace and often pattern for our messages. Being a ‘part’ marketer, I value the speed and consistency the medium can provide a message. Medium is often an extension of how we want to deliver the message. And it can pedal and create the change that the message intends.

I have been a fan of McLuhan since I was a journalism student. And so it happens that as my messages evolved over years, I chose different mediums. So here I am, on Medium. This medium. With my words. A few thoughts wrapped up as messages.

If you liked the post and the scribbled words, hit the recommend button and share it with your friends. Hope to write series of these posts.



Working In High Heels

Chose High Heels.Nomadic Life. Photography,Books,Rock Music. Chaos of Jazz & SingleMalt. Chose Restlessness.Recycling.Speed over Stagnancy.Stress Over Stability