How I Do UX

After 20 passionate years on the job, I have only three words of advice.

Antoine Valot
Radical UX
Published in
5 min readMay 2, 2014


What’s UX?

I’m still not quite sure how to explain what I do. Over the years, I’ve been called many things:

1992: Graphic designer
1994: Webmaster
1996: Senior web designer
1998: Senior web developer
2000: Information architect
2002: Usability engineer
2004: Business analyst
2006: Marketing manager
2008: UX designer
2010: UX strategist
2012: CTO
2014: Mythical Unicorn
2015: CXO
2016: UX Lead
2017: XD Lead
2018: Lean Transformation Consultant

Here’s the lowdown: The titles keep changing, and they keep getting closer… but what I do has never changed. What I do is not a job. It’s a calling.

The calling

Like many others, I was called to this path by the prophet Steven Paul Jobs. In 1985, in the vacation home of my father’s friend, I discovered MacPaint and the mouse on a brand-new…

