One Passion That Is Not dying

Yes, everyone has that one passion that never dies.

Romani Shashidhar
Working Moms
4 min readJul 5, 2021


Some are lucky to have that passion as a source of livelihood. Some are in the process of exploring. Some may be in search of that ONE passion. For some, it has become a dream to catch.

When I used to say dance is my hobby, little did I realized that it was my unfulfilled passion.

I have tried to learn various dance forms at different stages in my life. Ah, I didn’t succeed. But that passion is just not dying.

I am a mother. I have a full-time job, and I can’t imagine taking out dedicated time for dance classes. But the thought of not doing anything about it is also not dying.

Whether we identify it early or late in our life, it’s always stayed with us. It doesn’t fade away. But, it may remain dormant for some time.

Passion can change

As we grow and mature, as we experience life, as we succeed in some and fail in some, our passion may change. Like someone’s passion for the movie, making can change from direction to story writing or other.

Someone’s passion for training can change to coaching. That’s okay. But it’s important the moment we discover our passion, and we see it sticking to us and hovering over our mind, we should start working towards or on it.

Passion can claim mental peace.

Yes, depending on the degree to which we feel for the passion and the priority other things hold in our life, passion can demand a lot of our mental bandwidth. The best thing to do it — act on it, else it will make you restless. Even if we take baby steps towards realizing our passion, that satisfaction is immense.

Work in Parallel

Not everyone has the luxury to quit their job for the sake of another passion or goal. So it's best not to jump into passion well by disturbing the status quo. Instead, plan and see how we can drive things in parallel — passion and another source of income. One can start with 20% time towards passion which can gradually increase, and when the right time comes, it takes 100% of your work time and becomes your achieved goal. That’s the stage of absolute happiness when you earn your living by doing something you are passionate about.

Start early, and no excuses.

When I was in my 20s, and had all the time for myself. I didn’t realize then that a bulk of my time will go into taking care of family and work as I grow. I wasn’t wise enough to pick the passion the way I should have. You know, like taking up a dance class under a renowned dance teacher and pursuing seriously.

I know people in my close circle who have given a different angle to their passion for art, anchoring, coaching, cinema, solopreneur to varying stages of their lives.

That one passion which gives you sleepless night and makes you feel incomplete, it’s time to wake up and feel it, feed it with plans and act on it.

Never underestimate the power of that passion that drives you from within.

  • Grab every opportunity that paves the next steps closer towards your passion
  • Remember that your mind may ask you sometimes — is this what you really wanted to do? And your answer should always be YES.
  • Don’t ignore the critics on your journey. They will shake you up and will help bring the best in you and your goal.
  • Remember to have a plan to be financially sound enough to take care of yourself and your responsibilities. This is required to maintain sanity and help you stay focused.
  • Every step is taken, and every milestone achieved and how small it may be is a step closer to your goal. That should be the attitude.
  • We may fail many times, but resilience is the key. Every time we start again, it’s not from scratch. We will start from the point we had failed and with the learnings from that failure.

So, in a nutshell, there will be hurdles in the path of passion, but the onus to gather the resources, acquire the skill, winning over failures lies within us.

Try | Fail | Learn | Retry | Succeed



Romani Shashidhar
Working Moms

HR professional | Mother | Aspiring Coach| Blogger | Foodie