Submission Guidelines for Working Moms

We’re accepting new writers

Eva Grape
Working Moms


Designed by and for Working Moms

Working moms are heroes. Not that I’m one myself, but I can finally understand my former colleagues who had to navigate multiple roles at home and professionally.

The struggles multiply when you have to juggle with so many things daily, and as a result, the stories and the life lessons one can experiment and learn from are plenty.

I have created this publication mainly for myself, but I don’t want to restrict it. I believe it can become an amazing platform for building a community of working mothers worldwide that share similar issues and joys.

The Guidelines are simple, at this point, at least.

If you want to become a writer, just leave a comment on this story, and I will add you as a writer to the publication. Since we’re new, we can work out together the details around editing — however, I’d like you to feel as comfortable as possible.





Eva Grape
Working Moms

Side-hustler mom writes about marriage, relationships at large and psychology.