The Most Baltimore Thing Ever

Michael Hoffman
Working Nomad Adventure
2 min readSep 19, 2021

Last night, after dinner at Johnny’s in Roland Park we were walking to the car and who walks by us?????

John Waters!

John Waters — By PEN American Center —, CC BY 2.0,
By PEN American Center —, CC BY 2.0,

John Waters is one of my heroes. Why? Because he is unabashedly himself. And himself is super cool. He was wearing the coolest suit and unfortunately, but the time my brain processed it was him he had passed by. I should have run back to talk to him!!

When I was growing up in Baltimore John Waters had this opening at the Charles Theater about not smoking in the theater. It was hilarious (and could never be used today, and you can see why below).

And when I was in Madison as a college student, I saw him “perform” which meant he just talked to a theater full of college students. It was one of the funniest, smartest, most engaging and thought-provoking talks I’ve ever seen. You can hear John Waters here at a recent TV appearance.

Waters started his career making… let’s say, independent films. Some people called them smut. I thought they were hilarious. Waters also discovered Divine, the greatest drag queen ever. If you want to get started maybe watch Pink Flamingos. It’s not for everyone!

Or start with my favorite, Polyester staring the divine Divine.

Waters became mainstream famous when he made Hairspray in 1988. A great Baltimore film also.



Michael Hoffman
Working Nomad Adventure

Michael Hoffman is the founder and CEO of Gather Voices, a software company that makes video simple.