Learn to Relax

Christina Nicolette
Working Well Under Pressure
2 min readMar 3, 2018

Although pressure and stress can be viewed as a motivator in the workplace, too much of it can be very harmful. This is why managing your stress is so important to maintain balance. I have learned that there are many easy ways to reduce excessive stress in everyday life. To deal with stress I changed my routine. If you notice you don’t have an organized routine, adding one into you day will likely reduce stress.

My every day routine started out a little sloppy. I used to wake up, skip breakfast, pick up a cup of coffee, and rush to work. Then after work I would come home, spend time with my brother and sister and sometimes go out with some friends. This is a routine I never saw a problem with and was happy with. Although this might sound like a normal routine, there are ways I can fix it to reduce stress.

What I did to change my day was I set an earlier alarm, ate a bowl of cereal and made my own cup of coffee. This way I take my time and I don’t have to rush to work without eating. Running on food and coffee is much better than running on just coffee. Then I go to work, come home and spend some time for myself. Although being with family is great, it is important to leave some time for yourself some days. This time, I watched a TV show I like or read a book and relaxed. Something else I do is exercise a couple days a week. Exercise can decrease stress significantly this is why many companies offer a membership. If your company offers this, I would use it because it can be very beneficial to your health. After making these changes, I noticed a difference in my attitude, anxiety and stress levels while at my job. In my experience, an earlier alarm, time for myself, eating a healthy breakfast and exercising helped me to cope with stress in the workplace.

