Write for Working Writers

Are you a full-time working writer or on your way to becoming one?

Barry Baz Morris
Working Writers


Image by Baz via Canva

We’re looking for your stories. Working Writers (WW) is a new publication for Medium writers who are now or are working toward becoming full-time working writers (WW).

WWs spend their time either writing, marketing their writing, or learning how to become better at both.

It isn’t easy doing what we do. It often feels like we’re writing into a void and hoping something lands for our readers that translates into a clap or a like.

Becoming and sustaining a career as a WW can be a slog, but it can also be the best thing you’ve ever done.

Whatever it’s like for you, we’d like you to write about it.

We’d like to publish it for you, too.

The Rules

  1. Be kind. No bashing of names individuals or organizations by name. Neither you nor I need a defamation or libel suit.
  2. Be succinct. Please don’t send me your magnum opus. 1,200 words ought to be a good stopping point. Make your points, and move on.
  3. Your bio. You are allowed two links in a total of two sentences. If there are more, I will edit them…



Barry Baz Morris
Working Writers

“Getting paid to write isn’t only a dream, it’s an imperative.” BarryBazMorris.com