Productivity Power-Ups: ZBiotics

Avoid Hangovers and Stay in the Game

Bobby Galli
Working Dev’s Hero
4 min readSep 8, 2023


As Close as You Can Get to a Magic-Bullet (📸 ZBiotics)

Good Times 😂

Let’s face it: drinking alcohol is wicked fun. Having a few drinks often yields energy, elation, and excitement in social situations. Drinking a glass of wine, having a beer, or mixing a cocktail can also be an enjoyable way to relax after a long work day. The problem is that alcohol is toxic, and drinking too much of it can result in ruthless hangovers and can be an enormous drain on productivity. How do founders, entrepreneurs, and high-achievers enjoy alcohol while avoiding hangovers and staying in the game?

Hangovers 😵

A rumor circulated on the internet that the term hangover was coined from the practice of sleeping on a penny rope after a long night of drinking. Unfortunately, this rumor is false, and the term originated before people slept on penny ropes. However, comparing how someone might feel after hanging over a rope all night is a great metaphor that accurately describes just how horrendous a hangover can feel. If drinking is boatloads of fun the night before, why does the hangover hit like a train the next morning?

How Drinking Feels the Day After (📸 Posterazzi)

Acetaldehyde is a compound that’s formed as the first metabolite of ethanol (alcohol) and is more toxic than alcohol itself. In mammals, acetaldehyde is a terrible byproduct of alcohol metabolism and has demonstrated an increased incidence of tumors in rats and hamsters. Hangovers are caused by acetaldehyde buildup, which, according to a PubMed-cited quote on the ZBiotics website, “binds to receptors in your brain, creates oxidative stress, and generally wreaks havoc throughout your body, resulting in some seriously nasty symptoms if your body is exposed to enough, such as nausea, vomiting, tremors, dizziness, diarrhea, and malaise.” Yuck!

Solution 🧑‍🔬

The body’s microbiome is responsible for breaking down a variety of different compounds. Our livers already have the enzymes needed to break down acetaldehyde, but they can get overwhelmed by the amount that accumulates from a heavy night of drinking. The team at ZBiotics knew there was a way to allow the microbes in your gut to temporarily act as acetaldehyde-destroying reinforcements, which resulted in the creation of the ZBiotics supplement. They took a natural probiotic bacteria called B. subtilis and altered its DNA so that it would produce an enzyme that breaks down acetaldehyde. ZBiotics went through years of rigorous safety testing before being released to the market. By taking ZBiotics, you provide your gut with a temporary supply of genetically modified microbes that aid in processing acetaldehyde.

How ZBiotics Aids in Processing Acetaldehyde (📸 ZBiotics)

When combined with proper planning, ZBiotics is an excellent tool for combatting the negative effects of alcohol consumption. On the ZBiotics blog, they outline 7 tips that you can utilize to feel better after a night of drinking. First and foremost, it’s important to create a game plan and decide to stick with it ahead of time. In addition to taking ZBiotics, the blog post recommends you eat, pace yourself, hydrate, stop early, get plenty of sleep, and follow through the next day. When it’s time to party, an ounce of prevention is absolutely worth a pound of cure.

Our Experience 🦸

At Working Dev’s Hero, we’re always looking for tips and tricks to get an edge. ZBiotics might seem a bit pricey, but the price absolutely worth paying if you want to enjoy a few drinks at night and crush it at work the next day. The price of ZBiotics looks exceptionally reasonable if you consider the opportunity cost of laying in bed vs. working a few extra hours. ZBiotics is a bit of a magic bullet, but it is not foolproof; when used correctly, ZBiotics can be an indispensable part of the WDH toolkit. Additionally, ZBiotics seem to pair nicely with additive-free tequila. We haven’t found the science to back this claim, but anecdotally, if you want to enjoy a fun, clear, energetic night and minimize the consequences, additive-free tequila and ZBiotics are an excellent combination.

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Share Your Experience 🙋

What was your experience with ZBiotics? Please comment on this article and let us know — thanks!



Bobby Galli
Working Dev’s Hero

Software developer at BugSplat. Big friendly giant, golf ball whacker guy, goofball, lover of tacos.