Stashpad Obsidian Integration

A giant step forward in the dream of collaborating on Obsidian notes with others.

Stowe Boyd


I use a number of plugins for Obsidian to support various workflows. One use case of some importance is sharing Obsidian note with others, and that has been an area I have not found a workable solution for.

In the perfect world, the company behind Obsidian would offer a ‘collaboration’ solution, including a Google-Docs-like experience, with shared commenting and permissions control. I would like to be able to share a note with one or more other people to gain their feedback, for example, while not allowing them to make edits to the note’s content. Following the Google Docs model, I would like them to be able to select text and offer proposed edits.

Enter Stashpad and their integration with Obsidian.

About Stashpad

I only learned about Stashpad this week, reading about the new Obsidian integration, about which more later.

Stashpad is a company that has developed two tools:



Stowe Boyd

Insatiably curious. Economics, sociology, ecology, tools for thought. See also,, and my On The Radar column.