How To Negotiate Your Salary With Confidence

HS Burney
Published in
6 min readAug 13, 2019


Photo by from Pexels

Negotiating your salary in a new job, or your rate as a freelancer, is very important. Yet, this process can be a black box.

What is the right way to approach it? How much should I ask for? When should I back down?

These questions can cause anxiety, especially if you shy away from confrontation.

However, avoiding negotiation can hurt you. Your employer or your client can take advantage of you. You could spend years being paid less than you are worth, if your company calculates annual increment as a percentage of your current pay.

To take control of your compensation, you need to negotiate. You need to advocate for yourself with confidence.

Know the market. Do your research!

Glass Door is an established resource to research pay scales for people in your industry with similar experience. Before asking for more money, you need to know what the market pays.

If you ask for too little, you demonstrate lack of preparation and a lack of awareness of your own worth. If you ask for too much, you risk coming off as arrogant and out-of-touch with an inflated idea of your own capabilities.



HS Burney

Currently writing about whatever strikes my fancy whenever