How To Use A Digital Calendar To Organize Your Life In A Fast-Moving World

HS Burney
Published in
5 min readAug 25, 2020


Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

I live and die by my Outlook calendar. If it’s not my calendar, it’s likely not happening.

On any given week, my calendar looks like a Tetris game — overloaded with color-coded commitments, calls, and meetings. The challenge is to manage my energy while showing up prepared and ready to rumble at my many commitments.

Whether you use Outlook, Google, or some other tool, a digital calendar is a great way for busy people to keep track of not only their appointments, deadlines, and ToDos. The following are some of my tried and tested tips for using a calendar to effectively organize your life.

At the end of every week, review your calendar for the following week.

This allows you to mentally prepare yourself for what is coming. You can confirm that there are no inadvertent double bookings, that each meeting is booked for the right amount of time, and that you have enough time to travel from one meeting to the other.

Ensure there is sufficient white space.

Having uninterrupted blocks of time in your calendar is essential so you can deal with urgent or high priority tasks that come up during the week. Also, even if your calendar…



HS Burney

Currently writing about whatever strikes my fancy whenever