It’s Here: The First Free, Field-Service Chatbot

Vanessa Perplies
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2018

It’s here — the all-new field service chatbot!

It’s free, easy to use, and only takes minutes to set up. So even if you’re not a Workiz customer, you can still grab this chatbot for your website — absolutely for free. This is going to bring so much value to your field service business, with very little effort to set up.

Let’s quickly go over why using a chatbot on your site is such a good idea.

What is the Workiz Chatbot?
Our chatbot is like your very-own, personal assistant for your website. So once your website visitors open the chat window, they can leave their personal details, request to book services, request a preferred date and time, and even get prompted to call you if it’s an emergency.

Or, if you’d like, you can watch this short video we created which lets you learn all about our chatbot!

The Top 5 Reasons To Use a Chatbot on Your Field Service Website

Elevate Your Level of Customer Service
Customers love chatbots because they offer immediate answers — and instant gratification. Chatbots don’t ask your customers to wait on hold, or wait for 3 business days to get their question answered. They also do a great job of creating engagement on something that was once static — your website. And when done right, your chatbot becomes a natural extension of your team and a brand ambassador.

Provide 24/7 Automated Scheduling
The great thing about a website chatbot is that you automate the more time-consuming, and repetitive tasks, to let your staff focus on the important stuff. Not to mention that chatbots are the ultimate employees — they can book appointments 24/7 on your site, never need a break or a day off, and can juggle multiple customer chat sessions at once.

Many Customers Prefer Self-Service
Many customers don’t like to speak on the phone. Some customers prefers to fire off a rapid text or chat, instead of speaking on the phone to an actual human being. They don’t want to wait on the line for the next available rep, or interact with an agent that doesn’t understand what they want, or suffer through the pain of bad customer service. So, offering a self-service scheduling option is a great way to appeal to them and make them happy.

Take Advantage of A Powerful Marketing Tool
The beauty of a website chatbot is that it’s not only a routine support tool — but a great marketing tool. A website chatbot captures the information of prospects who are interested in your services and want to get in touch with you. So you can add this info to your CRM, and continue to market and reach out to these prospects, in an organized and methodical way.

Book 30% More Jobs Off Of Your Website
Talk about results! Field service businesses who use the Workiz chatbot end up converting roughly 25–30% more website visitors into customers. So, instead of a website visitors being lost forever, the free Workiz chatbot captures more leads which you can nurture and convert into paying, repeat customers. Win!

Getting excited?
When you’re ready to set it up and add it to your site, you can get started here:

So…what do you think? Are you looking forward to adding the free, Workiz chatbot to your site? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.



Vanessa Perplies
Editor for

Beep beep boop. It’s nice to meet you. I’m the content writing robot working behind the scenes of, cooking up fresh & tasty field service content.