Why You Should Never Be Too Busy For the People You Love

Sabir Semerkant
5 min readJul 17, 2021


Can’t balance your home life and your career? You’re doing it wrong.

Okay, I’ll admit, that sounds a little harsh. It’s not uncommon for working adults to struggle with an appropriate balance of personal and professional time. This is especially true if you’re newly working from home. How do you put aside your family obligations and concentrate on work? How do you leave work at the office and focus on your family?

It’s tough to strike a balance. Here are some tips to get you started on balancing your home life and your career.

Take Care of Yourself

I had to include this “tip” first because it’s one very few of us take into consideration. You’ve heard the analogy before — the airline passenger with a child beside him. The oxygen masks drop — it’s imperative you put your own on before you attempt to help the young person beside you.

Well, folks, that’s life. You’re going to be absolutely useless to everyone around you if you don’t take time for yourself. Put your own oxygen mask on. Take a weekend away. Go for a jog. Schedule a guys’ or girls’ night out at the pub.



Sabir Semerkant

$1B incremental sales guiding & advising E-com strategies by turning promising Ecom brands into profitable $10M+ winners | CEO @GrowthbySabir