Our learnings at WorknbDAO since January 2018

In last 18 months we’ve learnt and iterated to get to a real value proposition. Now, this week for the first time, if you want to do more with DAOs or are a developer who’d like to build up a steady income working on open dApps, we believe we have something for you! But before we share more, let’s first look back at how we got here.

Jan Tlustak
4 min readSep 16, 2019


Since January 2018 (major learnings)

  • Crypto speculation is a silly game. The market cycles will keep happening even if we get a sovereign decentralized currency. It’s just human nature to get ahead of ourselves. Productivity is the no. 1 most certain way to move forward long-term. And decentralizing the power to determine interest rates, issue currency or do the “behind the closed door elite deals”, is the second.
  • Improvements in productivity and efficiency of the global economy can be made by:
    a) connecting the unconnected and
    b) enabling everyone to collaborate around the globe in new trustworthy distributed, rather then hierarchical ways -> DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) seem the best way to go
    -> we want to move from the Hierarchical “New World Order” to the “people and network-centric order”.
  • There’s no “one chain to rule them all” type of situation yet, and while we support both Bitcoin and Ethereum, we are far from knowing which chain will be most used. At the same time we should learn from the Dot-com bubble or how the “race for browsers dominance” evolved:
    a) Focusing on providing long-term value well pays off (Amazon)
    b) Being first or second is not a guarantee of anyting (Netscape, Explorer)
    c) Being a latecomer can be a serious advantage (Google, Chrome)
    d) Going your own way working only with A-players can be very profitable (Apple)
  • > This + the fact that
    a) the blockchain landscape keeps evolving
    b) new research is coming out daily and
    c) we believe it will be the ability of implementing it fast and well in the long-run that will decide which blockchain will see most utility,
    is why we’ve decided to build on NEAR Protocol and their world-class team and investors.
  • We’ve had too many good DAO and dApps ideas but, of course, day has only 24 hours. Therefore, we’ve decided the best solution would be to launch a dApp/DAO kickstarter platform — which is what we are doing :)
  • We love DAOs and envision entire interoperable networks of publicly co-owned DAOs.
  • But the legal side of DAOs when connected to real world assets or companies, is stil hazy -> it seems it would be best to wait with those a bit.
  • So until there’s more demand and clarity, we will be focusing on dApps built as DAOs that are:
    a) 100% crypto-native and
    b) and software use cases only
  • To be specific, here’s the current list of DAO dApps we would like to see built on NEAR:

In conclusion



Jan Tlustak

Founder & Community Lead at WorknbDAO — Kickstarter for open dApps