By Any Means Necessary

Jeremy Reddig
#WorkOnWriting Project
4 min readFeb 10, 2016

By any means necessary is something a lot of people live by when they are determined to achieve a goal. But, this is something I don’t want to live by. This is because, by any means necessary can mean drastically different things. I am sure we can imagine worse case scenarios. I believe we are all hard wired to think about worse case scenarios for any situation that places us in a life or death situation. With this said, whether we fight or fly will depend on our intuition of the future, which is the end result of an action that will affect the rest of our time to come. Therefore, the stronger our intuition is, the more effective our decision making becomes.

If by any means necessary, means going to whatever extremes to achieve a goal. Count me out, because there are certain things I am not going to do. You can argue with me all you want, but I know what my life has been like. To almost lose my life for something that doesn’t even matter, more than once, shows me what I am not willing to do. .

I know 100% that I do not want to harm people, places or things. This sort of behavior is unethical to me, and unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you perceive this message. I have experienced both sides of harm. Again and again, I have learned to pick the side of being hurt, because I’d rather take the pain than put something through pain.

Do You know why I’d rather take the pain?

It isn’t because I like feeling pain.

Oh, no.

When I take the pain, instead of you, it makes me stronger to further endure even more pain. While at the same time, knowing what not to do to others. What this translate to is an empathetic way of life, that allows me to understand what hurts people through my experiences. So, by any means necessary, I will go through more pain than you on any given day. It hurts, oh it hurts, but the end result is me gaining an in depth understanding in an empathetic way.

This empathetic tendency increase my intuition and further enhances my decision making skills. Seriously, after my time of service, by any means necessary changed my life. Why would I want to hurt something, anything for that matter, just to get ahead. Ummm….. NO THANK YOU! Drag me through the dirt, throw me in the fire, tell me to kick rocks; I will only become stronger. That is who I am, it hurts, most certainly it hurts. Which is why, for any of you that know me. Can attest, that I take the pain, I learn from my mistakes, and I understand as much about my experience so I can evolve into something greater.

My philosophy is simple, be great and the rest will follow. Nothing else matters, but being a greater version of myself than I was yesterday. By any means necessary we can say, but it is used in a different context. By any means necessary, I will improve and understand how not to hurt people, places or things. Sure, my success might take awhile to achieve, but isn’t that the point. Every successful person I know says “enjoy the ride”, “success is in the process”. Hence, I will delay for as long as I need to. When I am successful, all that will mean is that I have learned enough to be good.

Good won’t be great enough for me. Partially because, my priorities to earn money is not nearly as high as my priority to help the world. I want to be great, and successful to me doesn’t require fame, fortune, or power over others. Great to me is being empathetic and understanding of the world, as I have power over myself. Hence, I will be in a position to do what I want, when I want, with who I want, this way I can help in a peaceful way by any means necessary.

We MUST be careful with by any means necessary. Some people use this phrase in ways that cause damage to themselves and others. We must align our ideals with our actions, as much as possible. Or we will be tested.

Tested to act against our core beliefs, you know the ones(beliefs) you spent your entire life forming?

Yea those ones, and we better be ready to live with and learn from our choices. When we go against our own unique ideals and make decisions that don’t turn out as planned. Ultimately, if we aren’t ready to learn from our mistakes, we weren’t ready for “BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY”.

Choose wisely


Originally published at on February 10, 2016.



Jeremy Reddig
#WorkOnWriting Project

Author of #ThePowerfulDay | Philopsychonomist | Veteran | Helper | World Peace