Clarity We Must Focus On

Jeremy Reddig
#WorkOnWriting Project
6 min readFeb 9, 2016

Clarity allows each and everyone of us to be full of energy and focused with direction. For instance, when we get to do what we want, when we want, with who we want; we are in the zone. This puts me, and all of us for that matter in a unique position that allows us to be who we need to be, for others, but more importantly for ourselves. To the point where we can make choices based on our clear vision. When I am in a situation, any situation for these purposes, and I ask myself “does this align with what I am trying to do?” and when the answer is “yes” then I carry on with whatever task it is that I am doing if, not, well then I work to make the necessary change to place myself into a situation that allows me to regain my focus. This is because my focus, or our focus, if you will is important.

When we are focused we are naturally motivated to have the energy we need to perform whatever task we are focusing on, partially because of clarity, but mostly because the clear focus gives us the motivation we need to keep going, even when the “struggle is real”. And trust me, the “struggle is real”, I am learning new things everyday as my clarity is leading me to soar to new heights, I mean, I was flying in my dreams again last night, but this time I was in an inner tube in the ocean and I had to get on top of a gigantic ship.

My mindset is geared toward this focus, and I love it. I benefit when focused, and so does everyone around me. Being focused on what we want to be focused on, puts us in our zone, making us far more effective and efficient. This efficiency and effectiveness is the core of economics as economist seek balance. This is at our nature what we want as humans as well.

We want to feel nothing, nothing is zero, zero is a balanced number. -1 is negative and 1 is positive. So when we can feel balanced we are at zero, which is GREAT! Being at zero allows us to go with the flow, and accept positive and negative energy for what it is. And most importantly we are able to position our selves to be focused and tap into our positive energy (1,2,3….100) and the second our focus is broken we return back to a zero point, or in some instances negative energy (….-3,-2,-1) depending on how we are taken out of our focus.

Balance is something I strive for, because of balance, we are able to do what we want, when we want, with who we want. Allowing each and everyone of us to choose our focus as well as, our distractions.

This is me going on a tangent, and I surely hope my tangents have improved from lets say last year. I mean, hypothetically they should have right? After all, I published a book for crying out loud. Now, I know, going on a tangent is far different from writing a book, as a book takes weeks if not years of effort and outlining. Tangents are literally going with the flow, and whatever comes out comes out. But, honestly this is my preferred way to write. Mostly, because I am a thinker.

I have to brain dump every now and again, just to organize my thoughts, or to see how my thoughts are going to play out. And, for these purposes I am not going to edit this post per usual. This post is similar to WordPress “WYSIWYG” what you see is what you get. I am on a roll and to further express how I think, I am a tangential thinker. Like a kid bouncing off the walls, so are my thoughts. You say red, I think Reddig, reddit, red sox…… This is my way, and we all have to find our way.

Back To Clarity

That is the point of my writing, to get me thinking and hopefully you as well. For we all ought to find our way, our vision will become clearer and we will enjoy what we focus on instead of having no choice in the matter. And I know, due to bills and other external factors it is hard for some of us to do this. But, in a way we have to find this internal clarity or else we will always be distracted due to our lack of motivation and energy to seek balance. Our lives depend on it, WE ARE ALL ENERGY. That is all we ever will be.

No matter how much money we accumulate, or any resource for that matter, all it ever will be is energy. So we have to vibrate at our natural levels of energy. Yes, we have to go with the flow, but that flow is up to us. We are water and electricity, this is ENERGY. So, we are naturally lazy, but our laziness finds what methods we individually prefer to get us one step closer to fulfilling our lives. And our lives are our lives, we live them no one else does; (you can’t live my life and I can’t live yours). This puts each and everyone of us in a position to choose a lifestyle, either we create our own or we live someone else’s. Seriously, there are so many “lifestyle brands” these days (click here for a quick reference to Wikipedia in regards to lifestyle brands to see for yourself). And for the most part we literally have to choose.

We either create or follow. We don’t get to choose both. Yea, I get it, we can choose both, but we choose one more than the other. And which ever one we choose the most, is the one we will naturally live by. Sometimes I feel like a follower, but than other times I feel like a creator. And, honestly I’d like to be a creator, I make a solid effort to solve as many problems as I can, that is why I like to help people. No matter what it is, when I am creating, I am in the zone, because it is the challenge that gives me the internal motivation to keep going. Think about it, when we are in the zone, we have the focus and energy to go until our body gives out and we need to SLEEP. And even at that point, we want to keep going. With this said, sleep is important, this is one of the many things I have learned in my life.

When I am not well rested, even when I am in the zone, the chances of me making an irrational decision amplifies. Do you see how my tangential mind works yet? I am about to go on a tangent about sleeping, but I will make the effort to pull myself back to the point of this post, which is to position ourselves to have the clarity we desire so we KNOW what we must focus on. Which, in turn will give us all the energy (internal motivation) to stick to a plan. So, the plan is to have clarity. When the clarity is gone, we feel stuck, indecisive and/or uncertain. Now, I am feeling uncertain, as to if this tangential style of writing is good enough for you. But, I am a man of my word, so it is going to get published for the world to see (this aligns with what I am doing). After all, this is my personality. If, I don’t do this, not publishing this post will be a regret in my life. Therefore, this post will get published to avoid having a regret weigh me down. That is how I roll.

Speaking of how I roll, when I write, I like to get in the zone. This is done by getting some classical or EDM music going to drown out the distraction. Speaking of music, do you think EDM will ever become the next generation of classical music?

Okay, okay this is getting long, I will end it now to save us all some time. Go and prosper, but first I have one question for you to think about.

What are some things you do to get in the zone?


Snapchat: jjr236

Originally published at on February 9, 2016.



Jeremy Reddig
#WorkOnWriting Project

Author of #ThePowerfulDay | Philopsychonomist | Veteran | Helper | World Peace