Dreams to Help The World

Jeremy Reddig
#WorkOnWriting Project
4 min readFeb 8, 2016

Some kids dream about writing for others to see, so I am going to let my friend that is 7 years old type the next couple of lines so he can see his work on a website. Maybe one day soon he will begin building his own websites.

Here is what he dreams to do: “Funny stuff that I been doing for life I don’t want to buy a gun.” — Sandler

And now, back to the post.


Last night I dreamed of flying around the world with soldiers and a panda, living with some people who I never lived with before, and experiencing some other stuff I have never experience, but I can’t quite remember that one. But, my point is this, we all have dreams and we manifest them into reality. More likely than not, we manifest the dreams that create patterns in our life, at least I know mine do. Are there some patterns you notice with the dreams you experience.

Some dreams can take our whole life to fulfill, others feel like deja vu. Unfortunately, some people are never able to achieve their dreams due to various reasons, making the graveyards a place where millions of dreams have never came to fruition. As a kid my dreams have been centered around helping the world, except for my nightmares of course. Maybe might nightmares have empowered and motivated me to make my dreams a reality. Who knows, anyway I have always felt that as long as I become the greatest version of myself I could help the world. Something that has been very important to my life as I’ve always wanted to push myself to become a better person. And I have realized the more we individually improve ourselves the more we collectively improve our society.

This is leading me to live a way of life full of learning as I experience in a healthy way. So, I can become healthier for myself, but also for those around me. And, if I can help myself, I will be in a position to help others. Furthermore, the healthier we are individually, the longer we are around to learn new skills, gain experiences, and have a better understanding about this reality we live in called life. Not only would this allow us to live a healthy life, but our lives would be full of abundance and prosperity.

Now, I know, even if I choose to live unhealthy, my life will be lived with abundance and prosperity. But, it would be a different form of abundance and prosperity, and the chances of me living a long life would greatly depreciate. As unhealthy choices lead to unhealthy emotions, thoughts, injuries and beliefs. Sure, I can live everyday as its my last, but this way of life doesn’t satisfy me. I want to build a life worth living, and to do this, I have to live my life as if I am going to live forever. So an ideal choice for me would be one that last forever, and not just to get me through the day.

When I choose to live a healthy way of life, I am well aware of how much work will be demanded of me. I have to stay active, eat healthy, get ample sleep and do this all well exploring the world in a hygienic fashion, this is what living #ThePowerfulDay is about. So I can leave an environment as clean or better than it was before I entered it, while at the same time empowering them to live the lives they deserve. This will allow me to have a positive impact on my life, as well as the friends I meet along my journey. Which, from what I can tell, will allow me to help the world, because I am helping myself. Seriously, imagine how much you can help the world just by helping yourself. You and I would naturally give back to society in a great way when we are able to live a healthy life by choice.

All I ask is that you work to become aware of your dreams and pursue them with passion, because at the end of the day, not hustling for yourself, because you were hustling for your job that benefits the owner of the company you work for is one of the few things people who have lived regret in life. Next to spending time with family and helping others. This is due to one reason, we want connection with other humans, and when we miss this connection we hustle our asses off in hopes that one day we will reconnect. Hence, we want to manifest our dreams, because no one else will. With this said, here is my call to action.

Call To Action:

After reading this, do one thing that will get you one step closer to achieving your dreams. Whether that is writing them down, finding a contact, doing some research, whatever you have to do go experience ONE thing. Pay attention to how happy it makes you feel.



Snapchat: jjr236

Originally published at www.jeremyreddig.com on February 8, 2016.



Jeremy Reddig
#WorkOnWriting Project

Author of #ThePowerfulDay | Philopsychonomist | Veteran | Helper | World Peace