How I got my confidence back, 1 snap at a time!

The Amazing Human Series
#WorkOnWriting Project
2 min readFeb 25, 2016

Good day you lovely people!

I know I write fluff for the most part and this post will probably come out quite fluffy cause that’s just who I am.

I want to tell you though how much confidence I have gained from using snapchat everyday.

I used to shy away from cameras, used to think I was so awkward (I am, but now I know that’s just me and I own it), used to think I had nothing to say, and boy did I lose confidence in myself!

Then I downloaded this little thing, maybe you’ve heard of him? His name is snapchat 👻?

At first I was a silent creeper, commenting via message, watching snaps, learning the groove of snapchat. Then I started getting these friends who would send me video snaps, and well the etiquette is to send them back, so…..shit. I thought to myself “I better just video snap back” and I did, and slowly but surely I learned my voice.

Then the story came along, ok, so now you have to think of things to say that everyone wants to hear. Back into my shell I went.

Finally, I thought, I have lots to say. Slowly I started adding to my story, and the story got better, I was getting shout outs, the followers were coming from my super amazing friends from all over the world. Now I had all these friends, snapping me videos, I’d snap back. Awesome stories were flowing so I started creating stories.

Suddenly, a month ago, that girl was back. The girl I used to be, silly, care free and fun! Hello Bree, where have you been hiding?

I was back, I found myself again, I found the confidence I knew was there but got lost somewhere along the road.

That girl can now carry a conversation with complete strangers face to face and online. She knows she’s amazing and can promote herself and her brand. She knows that success is measured by the connections you have!

All thanks to this little guy 👻 and all my amazing snapchat friends who are incredibly supportive day in and day out even though they don’t owe me anything!




The Amazing Human Series
#WorkOnWriting Project

Social Media. Mental Health. Amazing Humans. Read Their Stories Here on Medium. Listen to the Podcast!