How Loyal Are You?

Klaudia Jurewicz
#WorkOnWriting Project
2 min readFeb 15, 2016

That’s it! I asked myself a question:

How loyal are you?

And the answer is the same: it depends. I’m loyal to my friends but how about being loyal to brands. I think that if I would ask my grandmother that question, she would say the same to the first part (loyal to people) but in case of brands, she might say yes as well. And here is a difference between generations. Or at least that’s what I think.

In today’s world we search for better price, better deal and being devoted to brands is not as strong as it was 50 years ago. And when you think about that (and that’s my guess) when most of things, that we use, are made in China it’s harder to be loyal to a brand. I have nothing against China, it’s just an example that there’s no connection between customer and the product like it used to be.

How about being loyal to local brands? that location factor can be a link between us (customers) and brands?

Here I am talking about people not being so loyal to brands, and how about all those Apple die-hard fans who are willing to spend last dollar on new Apple gadget? Why it’s so easy to be loyal to one brand and simply don’t care about other brands? Maybe all of that is connected somehow to emotions, the way those brands make us feel?

Why people can be so loyal to sports teams and not to other brands? What’s so special about that? Sports teams, we love them no matter their winnings or losses. It’s a strong bond and every time you ask sports fan if he/she is loyal, the answer is the same: I’m loyal to xyz team…big time!

…so maybe all of that being loyal comes down to emotions.

Oh and one more thing: are there different levels of being loyal to a brand? Are we loyal to some extend and after some point the love is over, we are done?

Post originally publish on GroovyTakeOn



Klaudia Jurewicz
#WorkOnWriting Project

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