It’s All About Perspective

Klaudia Jurewicz
#WorkOnWriting Project
2 min readFeb 18, 2016

That’s it! Negativity is not good. Nothing new you might say. True, true but the thing is that some of us just can’t let go of that negativity.

It’s so easy just to keep reminding all those thing that’s didn’t go the way we planned. In a split of second we can list all of our failures, things we didn’t have a chance to accomplished. And how about good things in our lives? What about those?

The way I see it and I remind myself that every day is that you have a choice

  • think about good people and things in your life
  • think about bad things in your life

Which option is going to help you to have a better life? Which one is going to motivate you? Which one is going to uplift your spirit and which one is going to bring you down?

Some time ago I created a hashtag just to help myself to find that positive perspective on life, #GroovyTakeOn. It could be GroovyTakeOn anything you can think of, the only one rule is — it has to be positive. That approach helps me to stay focused on good things and people and when comes down to bad experience — I want to learn my lesson and move on to the positive side.

For many years I didn’t pay attention to all those small good things in my life, I’ve been waiting for something spectacular and I didn’t cherish those small positive moments. Thankfully for me, my good friend told me to try and noticed them. What she did was even better — she kept reminding me about them almost every day for five years. And at first I didn’t pay much attention but finally something has changed and I understood (I guess you can call it the “aha moment”) that life is not about those big moments, those do not happened too often, it’s about those tiny once that counts.

Next time give it a try and notice those small positive moments. It’s good for the soul and helps to have a positive perspective on life.

Post orginaly published on GroovyTakeOn



Klaudia Jurewicz
#WorkOnWriting Project

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