Saturday Thoughts.

The Amazing Human Series
#WorkOnWriting Project
1 min readFeb 14, 2016

It’s Saturday, it’s almost midnight, I’ve been on blab for awhile.

How does this help me?

Am I making money? No.

Am I making any progress towards a business? No.

Am I building a brand? No. (well kind of)

Am I growing as a person? Hells Yes.

I love social for this. Ok so I’m not making any money, ok so, it’s not bringing in any business.

Does that mean there is no good coming from spending a night on social? Absolutely not, I am learning so much from AMAZING PEOPLE. & hello I am only 25, a large amount of these people have years on me.

I want that knowledge. That knowledge leads me to a new frame of mind and it inspires me.

Where will I be in a few years? Who knows. I know I have more knowledge in my brain then I did this morning.,




The Amazing Human Series
#WorkOnWriting Project

Social Media. Mental Health. Amazing Humans. Read Their Stories Here on Medium. Listen to the Podcast!