Long-term Goals vs. Short-term Miseries

Klaudia Jurewicz
#WorkOnWriting Project
2 min readFeb 13, 2016

That’s it! Long-term goals are great, they look great and promise great future but to achieve them you have to go through many miseries along the way. You and I know it’s worth it to deal with that but…

…oh that struggle and stress along the way. Nobody said it’s easy but we hope that just maybe this time it’s going to be different. But it’s not. And that’s ok. Did I just say “that’s ok”? oh yes! that’s ok, because we can do it.

Today, next week, next month it’s going to be hard but maybe next year it would be a little bit easier and closer to achieve those goals. So no matter how you look at it, it’s worth it. And if it’s not worth it? Then we have to change our goals and start again and again if necessary. We are talking about our lives here. That’s serious, we can’t give up. And even if we give up…we have to start again.

  1. set your goals
  2. start step-by-step
  3. if it doesn’t work. Start again
  4. repeat

Short-term miseries are just that, short-term. We can overcome them over and over again. The good news is that at the end of that hard work we are going to achieve our goals. Let’s focus the attention on the goal and not on “miseries along the way”.

Bring it on life! We can handle that.

Post originally published at GroovyTakeOn



Klaudia Jurewicz
#WorkOnWriting Project

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