Nobody is Going to See It. Why Bother?

Klaudia Jurewicz
#WorkOnWriting Project
2 min readFeb 23, 2016

That’s it! Nobody is going to read that blog post, nobody is going to watch my YouTube video, nobody is going to check my Snapchat, Facebook posts, etc. Nobody is going to check it so it’s not worth creating and sharing, right? Wrong!

Internet is the place to share content. How people are going to find you and what you create if not on the internet? We can choose between different platforms (website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.) but at the end of the day it’s the digital world where people (potential customers/audience/your community) are going to look for you or your content.

Don’t give up! It’s easy to say, but if you don’t try how are you going to find out if something works or not? Do the first step and then another and then few more. If one thing doesn’t work, try something else and then try some more.

You can also try to listen what people want, what your potential clients want and then create the content they might want to absorb. Share everywhere you can and see how it works.

It’s not going to be easy, and probably it’s going to take some time. You ask what’s the other option? that’s the point, the internet is “the go to place” for almost everyone. Look at the numbers, according to PEW Research 87% of adults in United States use internet. That means that most of your potential customers use internet, which means they might want to check you on-line, look for reviews and any kind of information.

You never know who is out there on the other side of the digital screen reading, listening and watching your content. That one person may be the most important for you and your business. So don’t give up, it’s worth it!

Post originally published on GroovyTakeOn



Klaudia Jurewicz
#WorkOnWriting Project

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