One Way To Improve Writing Articles

Jeremy Reddig
#WorkOnWriting Project
3 min readFeb 19, 2016

This is going to be short, but I wanted to ensure that I am actively a part of #WorkOnWriting. Mostly because, I want to remain disciplined and consistent in my efforts to becoming a better writer. But ultimately, because writing is important for expressing our thoughts and feelings as we experience life. With this said, I have been thinking about how I can specifically improve the way I write articles.

One Way To Improve

One way that I can think of, that I will share for today’s writings has to do with writing in periods of 1 month (any time period really). What I mean by this is every month I cover a specific thought, topic, question….. whatever it may be. I would write everyday in various ways about the article that would be posted every month. Hence, when it comes time to writing one main article (every month), I would have mini articles/content, to hyperlink for more information. This will allow me to create an outline based on my monthly experience, and then tangentially go with the flow (outline).

This way of writing is something that I am willing to do. But, I want too be open to other ways of improving my writing (strategy?). Mostly, because I want to improve my writing, and present great content to you. Here is a backwards example, something I am kind of working on now, which is: have the main content, and then make supporting content that links back to the main content. And, I think both strategies when working together might lead to not only the same outcome, but the same outcome with a better position.

What I mean by this is: I am the Author of #ThePowerfulDay, I am also a writer for #WorkOnWriting and The Philopsychonomist. By writing supporting blog articles for #ThePowerfulDay, overtime I will have more sales. While at the same time, writing supporting articles, that lead to major articles for the publications. If successful, more of the “great content” we are all looking for ought to be created. Therefore with this writing strategy mix, I will be getting more attention, while improving my writing to become a writer that develops better than good content. With this said, I will have to keep my options open and figure out a method to improve my writing. In a way that works for me and my readers.

What are some ways that you have been able to improve your writing skills for your readers?

World Peace,

JeremyReddig Author of #ThePowerfulDay

Snapchat: jjr236

Originally published at on February 19, 2016.



Jeremy Reddig
#WorkOnWriting Project

Author of #ThePowerfulDay | Philopsychonomist | Veteran | Helper | World Peace