Saturday Stories.

The Amazing Human Series
#WorkOnWriting Project
2 min readFeb 7, 2016

Sometimes life is hard.

This is not where I wanted to go with this when I started writing it this A.M but here we are.

I have 30 mins to write a post for today, and I’m going to do it because I made a vow to myself to write everyday this week to better myself & my writing.

It’s late and I’ve had a hard day. As I type this, my eyes glisten with tears because sometimes it all catches up and I’m a sensitive individual with a million reasons to cry, but I usually have a smile on my face because I’d rather be happy and smiling then sad and depressing. Today was one of those days where I tried to be happy and it just didn’t come. I just wrote a “Love Letter” (see more about that here: to a girl who has just lost both her parents and while I can say I am blessed to still have my Mom who is amazing & my best friend it is hard to not get sad. When someone leaves by suicide it’s not a death you mourn and accept. It’s very difficult. You cry, for what seems like something totally stupid and it’s because you have pent up feelings that never fully leave. This is true for any loss, more so when mental illness is so hard to understand.

I never had any intentions on writing a sad sappy story here. Today though, I need to get this out and I felt like this is what needed to be written about at this point in time.

I’ll leave this here because it will be a reminder that this blog has no holds barred and if I want to write about it, why shouldn’t I?

If you’ve made it this far, I love you.




The Amazing Human Series
#WorkOnWriting Project

Social Media. Mental Health. Amazing Humans. Read Their Stories Here on Medium. Listen to the Podcast!